My friend, the photographer Gary, came to the restaurant for an escabeche of bonito with its grained rice, boiled sweet potato and, to drink, a pitcher of lemonade with ice. “María, extortion of businessmen and merchants does not stop throughout the country. Until a few years ago, this type of crime was limited to Trujillo and Chimbote, but now there is no place in Peru where there are no extortions. The other day a criminal named ‘Oso’ fell, who was demanding quotas from the owner of a tap in San Juan de Lurigancho. The woman, tired of receiving threats against her and her family, decided to report the incident. It is so that she Police he prepared a plan and managed to capture the voluminous subject when he collected 3 thousand soles from the victim’s hands. He is now in prison, but not his accomplices.

LOOK: sexual assaults

It is urgent to invest more in security and to increase the penalties for extortionists. Also build more prisons in the most inhospitable places, so that the thugs really feel the hardships. Nothing to send them to prisons in Lima, where they receive visits all the time, have televisions, refrigerators and from time to time a conjugal visit.

It is as if they were in a Cancun resort, waiting to serve their sentence and enjoy everything they had stolen. Another thing, make them work inside the prisons so that they pay for the food, electricity and water that they spend in prison. Nothing to teach them to draw Hello Kitty, as happened with the crazy antauro humalawho with that was able to get out of jail early.

LOOK: Beware of thefts

A couple of decades ago, the Sepa prison, located in the middle of the jungle, was closed. It should be reopened. Or the prison of El Frontón. Make life difficult for criminals. No human rights with them. Let those defenders and NGOs get tired of shouting. We are at war against crime. And if you are a victim of extortion, follow these steps carefully so you know what to do:

  • Report the incident, but first record any voice messages, text messages, or calls.
  • If they visit you, record the threatening. All evidence is welcome by the Police.
  • Never give money to extortionists. They will always want more and more.
  • Put cameras and hire private surveillance. Don’t risk it. Alter your routine so you don’t get attacked.
  • Follow the instructions of the researchers. Don’t think that you alone can beat the thugs.
  • Be very careful, extortionists are very dangerous people. They can threaten your life or that of your loved ones.
  • Pass information about if you are being extorted to your neighbors or colleagues so they are alert. The defense is better if it is collective. Peruvians must unite as one to fight against this scourge. And we are going to beat them.” Well said, Gary. I’m leaving, take care.



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