Prominent Senator Joe Manchin resigns from the Democratic Party due to serious differences

MIAMI– The relevant and experienced federal senator Joe Manchin, from West Virginia, officially announced his resignation from the Democratic Party to become an independent

“My commitment to doing everything I can to unite our country has led me to register as an independent without party affiliation,” Manchin wrote in a post on the social media platform X.

Since Joe Biden signed more than 64 executive orders in just days in the Oval Office, the senator from West Virginia was clear in his anti-radical position within the Democratic Party, while the presidential agenda was loaded with issues demanded by the extreme left.

Marked differences

The serious differences and internal conflicts within the blue party, which of course the mainstream left-wing press keeps silent, forced it to abandon its Democratic affiliation, amid the rise of a socialist elite within the side that today governs in Washington. .

Manchin showed a photo of him Friday with what appeared to be a voter registration form. His resignation does not change Democrats’ control of the federal Senate.

“I have seen the Democratic and Republican parties leave West Virginia and our country behind through partisan extremism while endangering our democracy. Today, our national politics is broken and neither party is willing to compromise to find common ground,” Manchin wrote.

Manchin has been in the Senate in Washington since November 2010 and became a strong critic and opponent of the wrong economic policies of Joe Biden and the extreme left.

Along with Senator Kyrsten Sinema, of Arizona, Manchin was the brake on several proposals from the Biden administration, including the enormous budget package of 6 trillion dollars that was finally approved in two parts and for less than half the amount initial requested by the White House.

The war within the Democratic Party

The moderate senator was also key to stop Democrats from abolishing the filibusterwhich requires 60 votes for most laws to advance to a final vote in the Senate.

Before his decision, which was expected inside and outside the Democratic Party, Manchin refused to support Biden’s re-election, like many of his colleagues who recognize the lack of current leadership in the White House and the serious mistakes made, in addition to his visible physical and mental incapacity to lead the most important country on the planet.

There is also a power struggle between centrist democrats and groups of left-wing radicals who are trying to completely control the actions of the Democratic Party. Millions of Democratic voters perceive these attempts at dominance by left-wing ex-remists or misnamed progressives (socialists).

In an interview with CNN in February he said: “I’m not endorsing anyone right now. Let’s see what happens”.

“I’ve had this conversation with him (President Joe Biden) and his people that has gone too far to the left. They pushed and pulled him, or whatever happened. But the United States is not like that. Our country is not there,” he stated.

“I hope that the Joe Biden we saw in 2020 is the Joe Biden we see in 2024, if possible. If not, it will be a long road for everyone,” he added.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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