Prosecutor's Office investigates Catholic priests for alleged irregular use of donations

CARACAS.– The Attorney General’s Office Venezuela opened an investigation into “some” priests Catholics located in the state of Miranda, for alleged acts of corruption in donations, which would have been reported, as reported by the head of the organization Tarek William Saab through his personal account on the X network.

According to the text, Saab assigned prosecutor 21 with national jurisdiction “to investigate and sanction said officials, based on the laws of Venezuela and international treaties” and specifies that the facts refer to an “alleged improper use of donations.” that the “clerics” would have used for “their personal purposes.”

Catholic Church: The complaints are false

Saab, who does not specify further details, made the information public in the last hours of Thursday, December 7, almost 24 hours after the Archdiocese of Caracas, headquarters of the archbishopric, clarified in a statement that “the false news that emerged and replicated by media “Venezuelan digital communications attacks against Priests of our institution lack any basis.”

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The official text does not specify which media, but they would be two non-traditional digital channels and Cardinal Baltazar Porras with the alleged irregular events.

Cardinal Porras, who is in the Vatican, is expected to arrive in Caracas in the coming days.

The complaints raise concern due to the judicial actions that are being taken against representatives of the Catholic Church in the region, such as the case of Nicaragua.

Source: Accounts of X of the prosecutor of Venezuela and the Archdiocese of Caracas

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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