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PSD Mioveni expresses its “total support” towards mayor Ion Georgescu – caught red-handed by the DNA when he was returning 10,000 euros received in bribes – and says that PSD Argeș’s decision to exclude him from the party was “a hasty and baseless one”. Ion Georgescu is president of the PSD Mioveni organization and was vice president of PSD Argeș.

PSD logoPhoto: INQUAM Photos / Octav Ganea

In a message posted on Facebook, PSD Mioveni says that he “believes in innocence” and that he has “confidence that he will overcome these difficult moments”.

  • “The PSD Mioveni organization met today at 10:00 a.m. to express its full support for Mayor Ion Georgescu.
  • At the same time, we believe in your innocence and we trust that he will overcome these difficult moments and we are convinced that he will resume his work at the Mioveni City Hall because the ongoing projects must be completed for the Mioveni community.
  • We consider the decision to exclude you to be hasty and baseless at the time of adoption”, is the message posted on PSD Mioveni’s Facebook page.

According to his CV, Ion Georgescu has been a PSD member since October 1998. He is vice-president of PSD Argeș and president of PSD’s Mioveni branch.

On Wednesday evening, after the arrest of the mayor in the act, PSD Argeș announced that, by a decision of the County Permanent Bureau, Georgescu was excluded from the party.

The mayor of Mioveni, Ion Georgescu, caught red-handed by the DNA when he was returning 10,000 euros received in bribes, was excluded, on Wednesday evening, from PSD, by a decision of the Permanent County Office of PSD Argeş.

The president of PSD Argeş, Ion Mînzînă, stated that “PSD firmly condemns and disavows itself from any act outside the law on the part of its members”. “PSD remains consistent with its principles of integrity and will be uncompromising with anyone who violates them”, the organization also sent through a press release.

We remind you that the mayor of Mioveni, Ion Georgescu, in office since 2006, was detained on Wednesday night by the DNA for the crime of influence peddling.

What prosecutors say:

  • “In the fall of 2022, Ion Georgescu would have accepted from a person (witness in question) the promise to remit an amount of 30,000 euros, of which he would have received, in December 2022, a first installment of 10,000 euros, in order to exerted the influence he claimed to have on some decision-making factors in the management of the Mioveni City Hospital, so that they would order the employment of a relative of the witness as a doctor.
  • The rest of the money was to be handed over to the mayor, according to the agreement, after the actual placement of the respective person in the medical unit.
  • Since until now the mayor would not have been able to keep his “promise” made to the witness, the latter would have asked the suspect to return the amount of 10,000 euros previously remitted to him. In this context, on Wednesday, in the headquarters of the Mioveni town hall, Ion Georgescu gave the witness the sum of money mentioned above, on which occasion the crime was established”.

READ ALSO:Who is the whistleblower of the mayor of Mioveni – sources. His lawyer claims that “they have been friends for 30 years”

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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