Berlin (dpa/tmn)
Traveling to the mountains for skiing and snowboarding is never really cheap. However, some countries offer significant savings potential. An alpine classic, on the other hand, is, as expected, really expensive.

Hut rental, lift pass, equipment rental, meals: a ski trip costs money. When choosing a winter holiday destination, it is therefore worth taking a look at where you can get more for your money in addition to classic criteria such as kilometers of slopes or snow reliability.

The Federal Association of German Banks has compared the price level of popular winter holiday destinations and determined the value of a “German” euro there.

This shows that if you want to travel cheaply, you should take a look at Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovenia. In Poland, holidaymakers can get goods and services for EUR 1 that would cost EUR 1.75 in Germany. The Czech Republic (1.22 euros) and Slovenia (1.23) are also very worthwhile winter destinations in terms of purchasing power, writes the banking association online in its blog.

Slovenia top, Switzerland flop

If Slovenia is the purchasing power top tip among the Alpine countries, then Switzerland is – unsurprisingly – the purchasing power flop. Here there are more than a third less goods for 1 euro than in Germany, with the Confederates it is only worth 0.64 euros.

In France, Italy and Austria, however, the differences are marginal – there you get about the same value in goods and services for your money as in this country.


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