Questions about policy called "sanctuary city"

Following a recent series of high-profile crimes associated with immigrants, new questions are being raised about the so-called “sanctuary city” policy, which limits cooperation between city agencies and Immigration and Customs Enforcement, known as ICE.

In particular, the incident in Midtown in which two police officers were punched and kicked by a group of people has caused some elected officials to call for harsher punishment.

Last week, Governor Hochul said that any immigrant involved in an attack on police should be deported.

Mayor Adams agrees, but says his hands are tied.

Adams believes that they should be deported once they serve their sentence, but that he does not have the power since there is a law in force in the city that he did not approve.

It refers to the regulations of 2014, when then-Mayor Bill de Blasio signed into law the bill that limits cooperation between the city and federal immigration authorities.

De Blasio said this was in response to widespread enforcement of immigration laws, although there are exceptions for those convicted of violent crimes or serious felonies.

Mayor Adams indicates that any change to the law would have to occur in the city council.

Meanwhile, a group of conservative Republican and Democratic lawmakers is calling for unrestricted cooperation between ICE and the city to be restored.

They participated this Monday in a demonstration in Times Square which was joined by an ICE representative.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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