Julieta Venegas already says it in “Your Story”: “Let your past be part of you, never ignore it, take with you what you were”; and since words are insufficient, with her energy, smile and chords, this sunday took us on a nostalgic journey at AX Ceremony.

What was the show about? Of protest, love, the need to part with someone —or something—, to enjoy every second, of broken hearts —here is a sigh that several people released on stage with the presentation of Julieta Venegas in AX Ceremony— but always simple speaking the truth.

Julieta Venegas in AX Ceremony | Photo: Aaron Rubio

In summary: today’s concert was a review of his discography, his lyrics, his stories, that acoustic sound that suddenly it becomes a catchy pop capable of making anyone dance.

This is how the presentation of Julieta Venegas was experienced at AX Ceremony

The end of sunset announced the arrival of Julieta Venegas on stage and the first chord of “Tell me the truth” between uncontrollable screams it was the beginning of an hour of laughter, tears, dancing and memories.

With a calm face that reflected comfort, dressed in white with a headband of the same color, she continued with topics such as “That way” y “Right or wrong” to express what was undeniable: “How beautiful to see so many smiles, to see so many happy people. I am very happy to be a part of this”he expressed referring to the AX Ceremony festival.

Julieta Venegas in AX Ceremony
Julieta Venegas in AX Ceremony | Photo: Aaron Rubio

“On Your Shore” was the following, in which he talks about the need to be in the thoughts of those people who are no longer part of our lives and we would like to be in a little corner of your thoughts or your skin, so be it “behind the elbow” joked.

“this” sounded at the same time that the first raindrops fell on the festival, which appeared “like falls from the sky” for more than one who shed two or three tears with “Salt and lemon”.

Julieta Venegas in AX Ceremony
Julieta Venegas in AX Ceremony | Photo: Aaron Rubio

One of the most moving moments was when he performed “Walk alone”that song that talks about the frustrating and complicated situation that millions of women live due to the insecurity of our country.

We trust that music can make a changeespecially in a festival where the diversity of personalities and tastes is the protagonist.

“Your Story” “I’m Leaving”, “The Present” were some of the songs with which he closed, the latter with quite a festive tone reminding that the AX Ceremony festival is for dance and transmit good vibes.

This is the official page of the AX Ceremony so you don’t lose any detail of the festival

Back to the roots, a breather and continue around the world

Yes, the past reached us through music, but it also did with Juliet. Who in recent days paused to return to his roots.

This week she gave her a break in her global tour to return to Tijuana —the land that saw her grow—, Monterrey —the city that adopted her with the royal outpost— and Mexico City —the capital that launched her career— to infect us with that dreamy, romantic vibe with a touch of realism that accompanies its characteristic rhythm.

From here —AX Ceremony— leaves for Uruguay, Ecuador, the United States, Spain, Switzerland… We are talking about part of the world enjoying the voice and creativity that this Sunday they brought tears, smiles and, possibly, hugged a broken heart.

You missed it? She was like that she got Travis Scott’s presentation yesterday at AX Ceremony


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