Reporter falls while recording Shakira

MIAMI.- The reporter of The fat and the skinny Gelena Solano suffered a drop while covering Shakira from outside a hotel.

“@gelenasolanotv ended up on the floor with everything and her dog when @shakira’s fans tried to greet her leaving the hotel (SEE until the end),” the Univision program published on social networks, showing the video of what happened .

According to the audiovisual, Gelena Solano was among a small group of the Colombian’s fans, who approached her while she was leaving a hotel. Trying to get closer among the people, to get a better shot and – perhaps – statement from the singer, the presenter ended up on the ground on the sidewalk of the avenue.

“I need to have space… please. I know, but you’re in the middle,” the driver was heard saying, second before she fell with her dog.

Apparently the fall was not worse, since Gelena Solano recently appeared in a production of The fat and the skinny recorded from New York.

“Many times you see a spectacular one on TV, but the reality is that we face situations. And to solve it on the set, before the live show, I tried to help our @clarissamolina, thinking that her shoes were tight, but her feet are tight. #swollen. Who helps her? Suggestions? Remedies…” wrote the Dominican reporter an hour ago, sharing a video with Clarissa Molina from the Big Apple.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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