On Sunday, Espen PA Lervaag (45) and Aleksander Sæterstøl (26) ended up in a duel on Farm celebrity. In the end it was Lervaag who had to pack his bags and leave the farm.

Instead of going home, he was given the opportunity to have a stay at Stupid celebrityand with it the opportunity to fight back.

However, it was only one night at the farm together with Erik Sæter (26), Eli Kari Gjengedal (51) and Ingeborg Myhre (47). Lervaag wanted to go home.

Mentally prepared for homecoming

When TV 2 meets the comedian after the exit, he is clear that it was the motivation that did not live up to expectations.

– I didn’t catch fire again. When I finished and had done the duel inside the Farmen farm, I was mentally prepared to go home, says Lervaag.

Watch the video below for the reaction of the other Torpet celebrity participants when Lervaag withdraws.

When he entered Torpet, he did not really get started before he chose to go home. This despite the fact that he describes the participants as nice people, and that it was nice to be there.

– It is a kind of place for Farmen participants where you can come and find yourself again. Someone will benefit from it, but I was quite done, he says.

The competitive instinct was gone

– So you couldn’t find yourself?

– No, or maybe that’s what I did and then I felt that I had to get home, says Lervaag.

PARTICIPANT: Espen PA Lervaag was first a participant in Farmen celebrity, and then moved on to Torpet celebrity. Photo: Espen Solli

The comedian says that he was well looked after by the others, and he enjoyed himself during his short stay. However, there was one crucial thing that was missing for him to want to stay longer.

– The competitive instinct was gone, and I really just wanted to get home as quickly as possible.

– Happy to enjoy themselves

Lervaag says that Sæter, Gjengedal and Myhre were a lively bunch, who liked to enjoy themselves.

– I have never been to a place where people have managed to enjoy themselves with so few things. So that they are fine, I am absolutely sure, he points out and adds:

– It was like coming to a group that has lived together for 40 years. They were welded together, and they hadn’t worked anything. They just had a new life. In addition, it was a bit tough. I depend on work to get through the days.

He eventually realized that it would not be like this.

– When I realized that, I thought: “It’s going to be long days here”.

Today, Lervaag is clear that he does not regret the election.

See Stupid celebrity on Monday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday TV 2 Play.


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