You are currently viewing Rodolfo Sancho, after visiting his son in jail: “I’m not crying on the ground”

Rodolfo Sancho has already been able to reunite with his son Daniel in the Koh Samui prison more than a month after the murder and dismemberment of Edwin Arrieta. The actor did not travel to Thailand before because, according to ‘The Summer Program’, he “didn’t have the money” to cover all the expenses involved in moving to the Asian country. In a meeting that has lasted up to three hours since father and son had a lot to talk about. A very hard face as well as emotional.

The interpreter has gone to the place accompanied by his lawyer Marcos García Montes, his son, a Thai assistant and a member of the Spanish embassy. Upon leaving him, Rodolfo Sancho has attended the press, granting his first words after the expected reunion. “I’m not crying on the ground… You can take it as a disgrace or as a challenge, I think I’ve said enough with that. They won’t get tears from me”, he expresses emphatically in front of the microphones of ‘EFE.


Rodolfo Sancho assures that he has “total trust and respect for the Thai authorities” and apologizes for “the commotion created”: “My son loved Thailand and its culture, which is why he came so much.” “I want to make it clear that he is not encouraged by me or my family,” he continues, saying to distance himself from what his son did. Some statements that ‘EFE’ has collected, in addition to the condolences of the actor from ‘El ministerio del tiempo’ to the victim’s family: “My deepest condolences and condolences to the Arrieta family, who I understand will be in enormous pain.”

The actor and his lawyers are waiting for the Thai police to deliver a final report to the Prosecutor’s Office and the defense “to find out exactly what happened.” Before leaving Koh Samui, he thanked all the love received in this month, which has undoubtedly been the most difficult in his life: “I have received thousands of messages every day from close people and friends supporting me.”

Waiting for a face to face

Both this visit by Rodolfo Sancho and the previous ones by Silvia Bronchalo have been carried out through screens. Yet they both meet waiting for a joint visit that allows them to be much closer to their son and that it could take place this month since the actor’s stay will not be as long as that of his ex-partner. “A meeting with the rest of the prisoners, without monitoring what they say or what they say”, announced this week the Thai Two Yupa in ‘Espejo Público’

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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