Rodrygo Goes is honest: from the importance of the psychologist to the price of fame

Rodrygo Goes has opened a door to his privacy by granting an extensive interview for globoesporte in which nothing has been saved. The Real Madrid attacker has opened up about sporting issues such as his arrival at Real Madrid, his current role or his relationship with Ancelotti, but The Brazilian did not want to leave anything out and has also spoken about the difficulties in the beginning due to the separation with his fatherthe price of fame or the importance of the psychologist in your life.

The footballer lives with the highest demands, but he also has a lot of free time that he wants to make the most of, especially on the advice of his parents. “I always liked doing other things. Sometimes I’m a little lazy, but my parents keep demanding me. I already speak Spanish, but I took English classes again. I work with a psychologist, which is something important these days, because it is the mind that rules everything. When people understand that we play football with our minds and not with our feet, many things will change. I work at home with a personal trainer too.”

The psychologist for Rodrygo is of paramount importance, although at first he did not see it that way. And it is that until recently, if it is not yet, mental health was a taboo subject and the visit to the psychologist ‘something reserved for crazy people’. “When people talked about contacting a psychologist I thought: ‘I’m not crazy, why a psychologist?’. That was until I had my first session and saw what it was like. I realized that it is something that is only going to help me, it is not going to harm me at all and it is something that I recommend to everyone. When you start doing it you will see the difference in your life”, admits Goes.

The difficulties for his father and the price of fame

Remembering his beginnings, Rodrygo has assured that on some occasion the odd drastic decision about football crossed his mind: “When I was little I had to live with my mother and get away from my father. Sometimes he regretted me: ‘If I have to be away from my father I don’t want to play ball‘. I always trusted, but you can never be sure that you are going to become a footballer. At that time I thought about it. Of course there are times when you’re not well and you’re sad, that’s normal. But I never thought of stopping or quitting. I am doing what I have always dreamed of and that is my purpose in life”.

Fortunately for him and for the Real Madrid fans, Rodrygo Goes became a star, although that has a toll: “Fame is very good, but there are those things that everyone knows about. If I want to go shopping, I can’t. It’s not that it’s bad to have to take pictures, but there are times when you’re eating with a fork in your mouth and someone approaches you. There are those little things, which are not bad, but are a bit annoying. It’s part of it, it’s a price we have to pay for fame. It is what we miss the most… Not being able to live a normal day to day, going out in flip flops and being with our partners”.

His way of dressing and the trap

The footballer attended the interview wearing a gigantic Louis Vuitton jacket, one of the brands most used by top-level athletes. But who does he notice or what inspires Rodrygo to dress like this? He answers with complete sincerity: “The NBA players have a style that I like, the NFL players too… Continuing with those sports, the skaters, I like those styles. I’ve always liked them, since I was in Brazil, but when you go to Europe you open your mind more and think of new things, you change, and I see things completely differently than I did in Brazil. I liked skateboarding with my friends when I lived in Santos. I couldn’t, because I played, but sometimes I escaped. I saw the boys in the streets, in the squares, and it seemed to me that the style was cool. I followed that line and then I evolved”.

Regarding what he listens to in his free time, Rodrygo makes it clear that he is the trap and that this also helps him to dress: “I listen to a lot of trap. I really like music, I listen to all possible styles, but trap is my favorite right now. They are songs that talk a lot about that, right? About clothes, about jewelry… and it influences me to dress in a certain way”.


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