The governor of the province, Omar Perotti, led this Wednesday the act of signing the agreement between the Provincial Agency for the Prevention of Drug Consumption and Comprehensive Treatment of Addictions (Aprecod) and the Municipality of Rosario, by which the city joins to the Provincial Network of Municipalities and Communes for Addressing Problematic Consumption.

Through the agreement, the municipality assumes the commitment to hire and lead a team of professionals to carry out tasks of prevention and treatment of situations related to problematic substance use, as well as health promotion through the development of comprehensive policies. Likewise, interventions and/or programs may also be carried out that do not necessarily imply the creation of professional teams.

Meanwhile, Aprecod will grant the Municipality a non-refundable contribution of 19,085,894 pesos destined to cover the expenses required by the hiring of the team of professionals or the development of policies or programs aimed at addressing consumption.

Within the framework of the rubric, Perotti said that “it is a day where we mark together the approach to priority and central issues, recognizing previous work experience and dedication is key to any process, nothing starts from scratch.” And he added: “Joining efforts and knowledge, multiplies with the closeness that the actions in the territory give, I do not believe in large work groups far from each neighborhood, and from the daily problems.”

In this sense, the governor expressed that “the best way to be there is to coordinate actions with the municipalities, the communes and with each of the institutions that work in those neighborhoods.” In addition, he maintained that in these difficult times they are clear that “problems are solved when we put them on the table, when we don’t hide them and we don’t take away their magnitude, putting this work together is a serious way to start.”

In this sense, Perotti once again highlighted “the actions of the municipalities and this decision to create an Agency and the decision to have a compact network, formed, trained, that serves us for all instances of health care, that serves us so that each of the people who are on call at the weekend know how to move, what they are up against”.

And he concluded: “The magnitude of what we face leads us to strengthen ourselves every day in cooperative actions, in adding all those who are on the side of good, all those who want a different city, those who are clear that the Most of the inhabitants of this city and this province want to live in peace and have very different levels of coexistence”.

The activity, carried out in the Youth Warehouse of that city, was also attended by the local mayor, Pablo Javkin; the Minister of Government, Justice and Human Rights, Celia Arena; and the president of the Executive Council of Aprecod, Camila Bettanin, among other authorities.


In her turn, the Minister of Government, Celia Arena, said that “there is a very strong conviction of Omar Perotti to work from the beginning of the management side by side with each of the municipalities and communes”, and announced that “in that In this sense, the governor is going to send a message to the Legislature with the emergency declaration of addictions and problematic consumptions”.

For his part, Javkin stressed that “when we took on this challenge we looked closely at the Aprecod model” and, in particular, “the daily, direct and positive work with all its team that always helps”. And he mentioned that along the way there are “devices in all the districts of the city and a device that has a little complement to what works in Calle España -inaugurated by the province a year ago- that has to do with orientation and the counseling that is not coincidentally in the Youth Center, because we believe that this is a job that encompasses the whole of society”.

The Rosario municipal chief mentioned that “receiving direct accompaniment -in this case from the governor and the minister- in this strengthening, speeds up the times, which is what is sought.”


Finally, the head of Aprecod pointed out that adding Rosario to the Network, “implies greater dedication and attention to this problem that is complex and needs the commitment of everyone to address it in the best way.”

In this line, Bettanin explained that “the agreement prioritizes two lines of work: on the one hand, the strengthening of four local orientation and attention centers, the community territorial device in the west zone, the station, and the creation of a new one, Casa La Cerámica in the Northern District, and Casa Martínez Estrada in the Northwestern District”.

“And, on the other hand,” he said, “the project aims to improve care conditions for situations that involve problematic consumption, in municipal hospitals with the incorporation of more equipment, technology, and human resources.”

The act was also attended by the secretary of Inclusion Policies of the province, Fernando Mazziotta; the director of Territorial Development of Santa Fe, Camilo Scaglia; the municipal secretaries of Health, Leonardo Caruana; and from Human Development and Habitat, Nicolás Gianelloni; the director of the municipality’s Agency for Prevention and Approaches to Problematic Consumption, Sofía Medún; the provincial deputies Ariel Bermúdez and Mónica Peralta; and the rector of the National University of Rosario, Franco Bartolacci, among others.


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