Mexico City.- Menopause is a stage in a woman’s life where many hormonal changes are produced and which causes her to experience an unstable state of mind similar to the one she goes through during adolescence. For this reason, a large number of women may experience depressive symptoms and mood swings, even if this does not mean suffering from depression.

Victoria Verdú, specialist and coordinator of Gynecology at Clínica Ginefiv, explains that these alterations normally occur in those people who have a special susceptibility to hormonal changes or if, for example, they have previously suffered premenstrual tension syndrome (the changes physical and psychic that occur before menstruation).

What happens to my hormones?

Sadness, depression, irritability or even stress, anxiety or sudden nervousness are mood changes that occur due to the relationship between female hormones (estrogens) and the synthesis of serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine, which are the neurotransmitters involved in the management of emotions and that are related to numerous psychological and psychiatric disorders.

The expert explains that, although not all women experience the same thing, 70% are affected in greater or lesser extent by the secondary effects of menopause. The duration of the symptoms is also variable, although the expert points out that they can extend from six months to two years, and they are different according to the stages: Perimenopause: This is the period prior to the withdrawal of menstruation in which it starts to reduce the production of estrogens. The most common sporadic symptoms are hot flashes or dry skin or vagina. Menopause: Once established, the risk can be increased to develop cardiovascular problems (hypercholesterolemia, HTA), endocrine problems (increase in the possibility of gaining weight) and changes in the locomotor system, with a clear increase in the risk of osteoporosis.


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