Sample exposes the gap between language and the visible

MADRID.- He Museo Reina Sofa National Art Center exposes the loss and gap between the language and what is visible in the new sample by the Austrian artist Eva Lootz, Do as someone says: and what is this?which can be seen from June 12 to September 2 and includes more than a hundred works donated by Lootz.

“This is an exhibition that brings together five decades on topics such as thought and experimentation on matter, language and the issues that concern the artist, the environment, feminism and human intervention in nature,” explained the museum. it’s a statement.

The exhibition extends through 13 rooms

“Precisely, in 2007, Lootz assured that his work is crossed by an obvious thread that passes through loss, disappearance, trace, scattering, spilling, the presence of what is denied, being pierced and the impossible congruence.” : the gap between language and the visible,” added the artistic space.

The exhibition extends through 13 rooms and is visited in a non-chronological, but panoramic, route, through works from different artistic disciplines such as painting, sculpture, installations, videos, photographic series, drawings and sound works.

On the occasion of this exhibition, the Education area of ​​the Reina Sofia Museum scheduled the summer workshop Small drift theateraimed at boys and girls between 6 and 11 years old, which will be taught in the first fortnight of July by the Fuentesal Arenillas artist collective and which consists of generating works that relate to each other through language, the body and the materials.

Additionally, there will be a workshop related to the installation of Lootz: The agony of languages, about the extinction and invisibility of the native Amerindian languages. Have the presence of the artist, along with linguists, philologists and teachers of Amerindian languages, such as Hildy Quintanilla, Juan Jos Verdum, Azucena Palacios Alcaine, Marleen Haboud and Nadiezdha Torres; It will take place on July 3 and 4 at 6:00 p.m. (Spain time).

To know more details about Do as someone says: and what is this? and the activities linked to the exhibition you can visit the page

FUENTE: Europa Press

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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