The most sanguine rugby classic in our city, the one between La Plata and San Luis, is being played this afternoon in Gonnet. There are countless stories of families, friends and schoolmates who have made their lives hand in hand together, but when the yellow and blue shirts are at stake, everything stops, for at least 80 minutes, for the most passionate rugby to appear. that can be seen


– 7′ First try of Clásico number 57, San Luis opens the scoring through Benjamín Marban and makes it 0-7. The penalty was scored by V. Quatrocchi.

– 12′ Penalty converted for La Plata RC by Luciano Di Lucca, which discounts 3-7

– 19′ Penalty by L. Di Lucca for La Plata RC, which shrinks and now only falls by the minimum 6-7

– 22′ Try for San Luis by Marco Morimanno and conversion by Tino Quattrochi, 6-14

– 32′ Penalty for La Plata RC by L. Di Lucca to discount 9-14

– 34 Try by San Luis, great personal move by Valentino Quatrocchi that left the try served to Eduardo Ruesta, the score is 9-21

– 39′ Try and conversion by Quattrochi to get 9-28 and end of the first half

Second time

– 4′ try by Eduardo Ruesta and conversion by Quatrocchi from San Luis to put the lead 35-9

– 20 Try of the Canary. Homero Boffi discounts 14-35 and Di Lucca misses the conversion

– 28′ Ty de Canal and inside Quatrocchi’s conversion to make it 42-14

-35′ Francisco Annecchini scores a Try for La Plata. 42-19


It is the second time that they face each other on the first date of a tournament and with the arbitration of Tomás Bertazza, the 57th clash between both institutions is disputed; a game that has a record of 32 wins for Amarillo, 20 wins for Santo and 4 draws. This match had not been played since July 6, 2019, with a 26-19 victory by Marista.

From the moment that San Luis escaped relegation last year and La Plata simultaneously managed to return to the maximum circle of the URBA, both fans sang almost in unison for the return of the classic against the usual rival: canaries vs. maristas, that was always the question.

And today despite the weather (rain and storms are announced until after noon), the real party will be marked by the crowd that will fill the yellow area of ​​Camino Centenario and Pasaje Martín Suffern Quirno.

This medium chatted with the references of each campus to be able to start playing it. On the side of La Plata Rugby, the one who broke the ice and started the talk was captain Carlos Mendieta: “The message to the fans has been reinforced for a long time. We have to eradicate any kind of violence. The message is to encourage our team”. To which he added: “We managed to return to the Top 12 and now we have the nice chance to debut in the season against our lifelong rival. We are happy to have this rugby party in the city and more than anything to be a part of it”.

The ball passed into the hands of San Luis and its 2023 version captain, Franco Gnecco commented: “Playing the classic with La Plata is always something very important, we want to start off on the right foot and have my first game as captain, it gives everything a special seasoning. We really want to start this year on the top and have a great season, we’re training for that. As always happens in this type of match, the one who makes the least mistake is going to win the match and hopefully it will fall on our side”.

Franco Gnecco also appealed for sanity and respect: “I take this opportunity to tell all the people of San Luis that we go to Gonnet to have fun, that we have absolute respect for our rivals, for their home, their field and that everything happens in a framework of a sports festival”.

In closing, Mendieta assured that his team had ups and downs in the preseason and that they have fine-tuned details to play a tournament as demanding as the Top 12. “We are aware that the differences between promotion rugby and this one are very clear and, for example, The scrum is really a topic that has been worked on a lot. The line out is very good and we know that the verticality of our backs can make a difference”.

Los Tilos goes for another victory

For the second date of the First A, Los Tilos will visit Los Matreros in the town of Morón with this formation: Franco Ramírez, Juan Luca Cortopasso and Graf; Martínez Zuviría and Martin Leiva; Coria, Cabano Wall and Felipe Bares; Joaquín Bares and Martínez Salgado; Juan Mendy, Bassagaisteguy, Tomás Fernández (C), Amand de Mendieta and Ulises Fernández. Ent.: Ramiro Bernal, Quique Baca and Eduardo Valiente. Referee: Juan Maio. Hours: 3:30 p.m.

In Primera B, Universitario receives San Andrés in Gonnet and will present this lineup: Lysandro Urrejola, Urban (C); Joaquin Blacksmith and Blacksmith Ducloux; Portunato, Nicholas Morena and Jerome Almeida; Cechi and Lorenzo D’Onofrio; James Orrico, Wolcan, Alexander Vergel, James Suarez and Gisbert. Coach: Juan Martiarena. Referee: Dario Villalobos. Hours: 3:30 p.m. Radio: 99.1.

In the Second Division tournament, Albatros, who was supposed to play today against Atlético Chascomús, suspended the match since during the week he had to suffer from massive poisoning from his Superior team.

Lastly, and for the Third Division tournament, Berisso RC makes its debut facing Beromama on Avenida Montevideo and Calle 96 with Herrera, Schiro and Reynoso; Burgos (C) and Erzetich; Aguilar, Villalba and Escobar; Ivancich and Sosa; Jiménez, Cironi, Lurbe, Marelli and Núñez. Ent.: Fernando Torrijos.


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