The state of health of Angel Llecer remains unknownThe artist and president of the jury of Your Face Sounds Familiar is still recovering from a bacterial infection that appeared shortly after returning from a trip to Vietnam. The only information that has been coming out for months has come from what his colleagues on the programme have to say.

The last person to speak about the former director of the Operacin Triunfo academy during its first installments has been precisely his substitute, Santiago Segura. The director of the Torrente and Father, there is only one thing that Sonsoles has wished for, and now that Llcer can be in the final on July 19, which will be broadcast live.

Angel is now completely out of danger, but he is recovering because what happened to him was very bad. He was in a very serious condition, in the ICU, on the verge of losing a leg. But luckily they caught him, they got the bacteria right and he is now out of danger, said the actor, director and screenwriter. However, recovery is slow, so if he doesn’t reappear next Friday, he will surely be back next season.

Disillusioned with his work

Beyond the affection he professes for her and the value he places on the program, Santiago Segura has other reasons for hoping for Llcer’s prompt return. I hate judging. I like doing things. The fun part is doing, not criticizing. I find it terrible to give scoresconfessed Segura, who has also worked as a judge on El Desafo.

When I went to film festivals with short films and the jury, I was very resentful. I always wrote down the names of the judges who gave me a bad rating.revealed Segura, a regular on Tu cara me suena since he participated in the first two editions and has been the trusted artist to replace Llcer, for whom increasingly better omens are coming in despite having even said goodbye to his family during his illness.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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