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The cult series “And Just Like That…” continues and again everyone is wondering whether Sarah Jessica Parker and Carrie Bradshaw are one and the same person. A GALA search for clues.

Parsley: Two famous women do not like this herb at all. one is Sarah Jessica Parker, 58. Her dislike is so great that she says “No parsley, please!” memorized in six languages. the other is Carrie Bradshaw, the main character from “Sex And The City” and now the sequel series “And Just Like That…”. In one episode, she even pretends to be allergic to parsley so that no green speck ends up on her plate.

How did this parallel come about? Sarah Jessica Parker wanted it that way, actually just as a nice gimmick. But it’s not just this shared aversion that leads many to believe that she and Carrie are essentially one and the same person. The love for New York and the great soft spot for luxury heels as well as unusually combined fashion looks always give this impression. So is Sarah Jessica Parker one-to-one Carrie Bradshaw?

Sarah Jessica Parker: She and Carrie have that in common

She has played this role for 25 years. From 1998 to 2004 in six seasons of the highly successful TV series “Sex And The City“, then in two cinema films. The sequel “And Just Like That …” started at the end of 2021. Season two has just ended, another one has been announced. The fans are cheering! Viewers around the world are still meeting up to watch cliques together. But who exactly are they watching in the entertaining trials and tribulations of life? Sarah Jessica Parker recently clarified: “I’m not Carrie Bradshaw!” The only similarities: “We both look alike and live in the same city.”

And indeed there are serious differences. Certainly the most important for Sarah Jessica Parker: In contrast to Carrie, she has been in charge for 26 years a happy marriage to fellow actor Matthew Broderick, 61. An unsteady single life with many affairs, like Carrie has it unimaginable for the mother of three children. “To me that would be immoral,” she says. Conversely, family life, including weekend shopping and constant cooking, would be dreadful to Carrie Bradshaw. Sarah Jessica Parker loves it: “We cook for ourselves every night, we never order from the delivery service.”

SJP likes to bike to appointments

She’s also down-to-earth outside of her own four walls. She likes to take the New York subway or bike to appointments, while Carrie takes a cab to drive her around Manhattan. SJP prefers to invest her money in real estate, and likes to restore and renovate herself. And even if Carrie takes a bit of this line in the last episode of “And Just Like That…” and announces that she wants to sell her apartment and buy one instead four-bedroom apartment on Gramercy Park, her focus remains elsewhere: “I want my fortune where I can see it, in my closet.” Impulse purchases in expensive shoe stores and vintage boutiques are more her thing.

She shares her love of New York with Carrie Bradshaw

After all: Sarah Jessica Parker also loves extravagant clothing and high heels and has even made a side business out of it. Her own shoe collection is offered in her New York store. Sometimes the boss is there herself. But while Carrie would never leave the house without four inch heels, SJP wears killer heels mainly to official occasions. In everyday life, she adheres to the motto: “Great but impractical outfits make little sense in the life of a working mother.”

There’s still New York. Next to parsley, the Big Apple is the biggest thing Sarah Jessica and Carrie have in common. Both love the metropolis very much. While Sarah Jessica Parker likes to vacation in the Hamptons on Long Island, she always looks forward to returning to her townhouse. It is just a few minutes away from the apartment that serves as the backdrop for Carrie’s apartment. There is a lot of Carrie in Sarah Jessica Parker, who is more than the 17 role of her life. But hand on heart: Carrie might sometimes wish for a bit of an ideal family world like in SJP.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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