Shannen Doherty and the tension in Charmed by Alyssa Milano: She cried every night

haunted It was one of the most watched series on television between the 90s and 2000s. A plot that starred Piper (Holly Marie Combs), Phoebe (Alyssa Milano) y Prue (Shannen Doherty). Three actresses who, despite what it may have seemed, did not have a very good relationship. In fact, of the eight seasons that made up the series, the last one only appeared in the first three.

Shannen Doherty’s departure was very controversial, and There was talk that he could have had a clash with Alyssa Milano, something that the actress herself has confirmed in her podcast., Lets Be Clearwhere she had the other protagonist of the series, Holly Marie Combs, as a guest, with whom she spoke precisely about her differences with Milano and the competitiveness that existed between them.

The series was going to focus solely on the character played by Shannen Doherty, but the situation changed and it started to star the three sisters, which caused the competitiveness to grow between her and Alyssa Milano: There was a lack of female support. I’ve had the same publicist for who knows when, Leslie Sloane, and she could come on the podcast and say: Shannen never worried about anyone else getting a cover. Just don’t depend on me.

Milano and his mother did not let him visit Combs

That bad relationship went beyond television and came to affect him on a personal level. In fact, Combs had to face some health problems that led to her being admitted to the hospital. Doherty, for her part, was terrified of hospitals, but she finally wanted to go visit her friend, even though Milano and his mother stopped him: They didn’t let people visit you. At that time, you didn’t know. I remember you wrote to me and told me: Ta, are you going to come see me? I understood your pain for feeling like I had abandoned you, but I also got angry at the situation of not being able to go see you..

That family pounced on us and caused a strange division between the two that then continued throughout the second season. I think I cried every night during that time.Doherty added, referring to the problems there were with Milano. For his part, Combs has admitted that it was a delicate moment for everyone because of everything that was happening behind the cameras.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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