The level of education required for a job is often proportional to the complexity of the tasks and responsibilities involved. However, an advertisement for an industrial baker position in Algeria recently sparked anger on social media because of its surprising requirement: a doctorate in pharmacy.

Published by the employment agency of the wilaya of Skikda, the announcement was widely shared on Algerian social networks, sparking a lively discussion on the need to require such a high diploma for a bakery job.

The announcement, published by the employment agency of the wilaya of Skikda, offers a job for a “baker” in the industrial bakery “Samir Nabil Boufenat”.

He asks a pharmacist to become a baker: Reactions on social networks

This publication provoked a reaction mixed with anger and mockery among Algerian Internet users. Many of them were surprised by the presence of such a condition for a job as a “baker”.

Indeed, Algerian Internet users consider this announcement as a devaluation of the academic level but also highlight the inconsistency of such an announcement. Others have pointed out that this type of practice in Algeria contributes to the emigration of brains abroad.

In this context, a user on Twitter, expressed his anger and irony at this situation, saying: “They say to young people, you have nowhere to go, stay in your country and work in your country, there there’s work, it’s just you who don’t want to work. This is the job they were talking about”.

Some have expressed their irony and anger at the situation wondering where the jobs promised to young people are and called for a quick solution to this problem.


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