
Southwest Airlines will increase daily flight frequency nonstop from Tampa to Havana starting June 4, 2024.

Currently, the airline flies the route once a day, Sunday through Friday, and twice on Saturdays; But starting in the summer of next year, it will increase the frequency to twice a day throughout the week, which is an increase from eight to 14 flights from Tampa nonstop.

“Tampa International Airport is excited about Southwest Airlines’ decision to expand its direct service to Havana,” said the airport’s CEO, Joe Lopano.

The manager stated that this decision “shows the commitment to serve the Tampa Bay’s deep-rooted Cuban communitywho will benefit greatly from the double daily frequency.”

He airport statement He recalled that travel to Cuba from the United States is restricted, with entries limited to travelers who enter for reasons included in 12 categories, including government work and family visits. The text urges you to consult the information on the matter available in the US State Department website.

Los flights of the expanded schedule are now on sale on the Southwest Airlines website.

According to the United States Census Bureau, the Tampa Bay region is one of the three largest population centers of Cuban descent among metropolitan areas in the country.

The news of Southwest Airlines’ increased travel frequency to Cuba in 2024 comes just over a month after The company announced that it planned to abandon Fort Lauderdale-Havana flightsas part of a process of expansion of new air routes.

Last September, several US airlines decided to reduce the number of flights and cancel routes to the islanddue to a decrease in demand.

JetBlue, United Airlines y Delta Air Lines requested the Department of Transportation (DoT) for an inactivity exemption for several routes due to depressed travel demand between the United States and Cuba.

However, recently American Airlines announced that for the winter season it will carry out at least 82 weekly operations in Cubaa figure that could increase depending on traveler demand.

These days, the travel flow to Cuba from Miami faces a notable price increase, due to the increase during the Christmas season, which can even double the cost of air tickets.

Currently, tickets that usually range between $300 and $700 have skyrocketed, reaching figures exceeding 2,000 dollars per personadded to the additional cost for luggage.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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