STEP and after: feeling of headlessness

Who rules? The result of the elections this Sunday, which installed a stage of thirds that turns into biri biri any hypothesis about the outcome of the electoral process, combined with the deterioration and absenteeism of the main elected and appointed authorities of the Government, configure a glassy floor marked by a disturbing feeling of acephaly.

Hoy, 14Aday after the STEP, when they are missing two months and eight days for the general elections and three months and five days for him ballotageIt seems like there is no president.

On December 10, 2019, Alberto Fernandezassumed the first magistracy with the enormous legitimacy of origin that the 12,946,037 votes that he reaped in the general elections of that year, a mountain of endorsements that allowed him to reach the Casa Rosada without having to go through a second round.

However, that power, passed through the sieve of politics, was born relative due to the condition of designated driver, out of nowhere, out of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner. The rest of the story is also well known: rupture of the pact with La Jefa, shelling of the official coalition, delivery of the economy button panel to Sergio Massa and failure of his re-election company: Fernández was the first Peronist in history who could not even run for a second term. Since his resignation on April 21, 2023, he is an outgoing president.

After the nineteenth meeting in which, according to her letter-bomb of September 16, 2021, she warned her chosen one that she was going to hit her, the vice president has operated as a hostile foreigner: she has not participated in the administration that knew how to achieve, but has dedicated himself to throwing stones at the first floor of the Casa Rosada from his office in the Senate. She will less do it now, than she does not even exercise the militant she promised to be after his multiple resignation to return, at least to compete. In the campaign of its new designated conductor, CFK almost did not put the body: it attended three acts in 46 days.

An official by designation, not by vote, the Minister of Economy has made and unmade in the Government since he installed himself on the fifth floor of the Palacio de Hacienda, on August 3, 2022, but he did not do what he wanted: He acted conditioned by external factors, suffocated by the debt with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The international organization celebrated this Monday the shock devaluation that the Tigre fan had laboriously stepped on until the polls left him in risk of not even entering the ballotage. In the dark rooms, the super minister left a good part of his powers.

best 2019

It is tempting to compare it with August 12 of four years ago, when Mauricio Macrireduced to the condition of a lame duck with both legs due to the beating he had received the day before in the PASO of that year, he launched it against an electorate who, in his opinion, had been responsible for the exchange rate run that would mark the dramatic end of his presidential adventure.

The difference between that fateful day for the Boca fan is that the primaries had consecrated a quasi-elected president: on the night of 11A, it was already known who would assume the leadership of the State four months later. The invisible hands of the Market did not greet the news, but the stage was marked by solid certainties: the country was going there, whoever liked it liked it.

Hoy, 14Athe government is groggy lost more than 20 points of adhesion since its consecration in 2019– and there is no president-elect either. There is no quasi-elected president. Instead, there are three people who lead as many sister spaces in an electoral parity that turns into entertainment any attempt to predict the flow of 20 million votes that are distributed in very similar parts: Javier Miley stayed with him 30,04% of the total number of votes cast; Patricia Bullrichthe consecrated candidate of Together for Changeaspires to contain the 28,8% who added the coalition that he will represent in October, and Massa will seek to do the same with the 27,7% what a meeting Union for the Fatherland.

When that mountain of votes becomes a more utilitarian instrument than in the primaries, when the electorate allows itself the luxury of free will, where will those who were left lying on the sidewalk go? Horacio Rodriguez Larreta? How many will stay in JvC and how many will see a more similar mulete in Massa? How many of those who empowered Bullrich will continue to trust that she can get Peronism off the field and how many will understand that Milei is a lower risk investment? Will there be voters who, in the exercise of that apparently innocuous free will that they allow themselves in the PASO, fed the roar of the Lion and are now scared with the certain chance that this man who wants to dynamite everything will get the dynamite to make his dreams come true? deranged? Panicked, will they return in October to the heat of the nest of the system?

There are unanswerable questions to ask sweet, but today, 14Aa particularly restless one: who rules?

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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