Keep the cod and stockfish like this, it will be

How to make cod or stockfish last longer and how best to preserve them? Here are all the tricks “stolen” from the experts.

After the great holiday binges, many Italians look for detox recipes to detoxify a little and deal with leftovers and products purchased and not used. For leftovers, little is needed, you need to know how to heat them to serve dishes as good as those just made and eat them the following days. For fresh products and ingredients, such as fish and shellfish, it will be necessary to resort to some tricks to preserve them correctly without wasting too much time.

Differences that make the difference

Let’s immediately clarify an aspect that arouses some collective confusion: stockfish and cod are not just the same thing. This is a different processwhile talking about the same fish: cod. The cod is a particular cut of cod that undergoes a salting process that lasts at least 3 weeks. Stockfishinstead, it is worked entirely and is left to dry for a long time in the open air.

Stockfish and cod have a different processing

Stockfish and cod have a different

Obviously, knowing the different processing of the two products allows us to have more tools for optimal conservation.

In the fridge or in the freezer? Store cod and stockfish this way and you’ll see what results

As regards the conservation of the cod, the procedure will be different depending on the type of product. When the cod is in salt, just hang the piece with a thread and place it in a dry and dark place (a cellar, for example). Otherwise, it is advisable to wrap the cod in a sheet of food paper and then place it in a bag suitable for freezing. The product can be kept in this way both in the fridge (for a few days) and in the freezer (for a maximum of three weeks).

Store in the fridge for a maximum of 3

The cod soaked and desaltedon the other hand, it can be preserved in the same way, both cooked and raw. Just use an airtight container and the product will be intact for another 48 hours. To have it at hand for longer, you can place the cod in vacuum packs and then freeze it in the freezer.

Intact up to 18 months, is that possible?

Storing stockfish is not difficultespecially if it is still dried. Just place it in dry places and without sources of heat or even light. In this way it will keep its characteristics unaltered even for 18 months. When, on the other hand, it is soaked or rehydrated, the stockfish is better kept closed inside an airtight container. It will last 3 more days! Therefore, preserve the cod and the stockfish in this way for an always optimal result.

On the other hand, it is not recommended to keep soaked stockfish in the freezer due to the fact that the freezing process can modify the characteristics of the product which will lose its taste and consistency.


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