You are currently viewing Students from Bucharest can take first aid courses / Announcement of the Ministry of Education

Students from Bucharest will learn how to give first aid to people in need, as part of the Basic Life Support (BLS) Education Program, launched on Friday, September 29, on the occasion of World Heart Day. The courses will be held on weekends, in six schools in Bucharest (one from each sector), and registrations are made through the schools where the children study.

First aid lessonsPhoto: Inquam Photos / George Călin

The program is carried out by the Ministry of Education, the Romanian Society of Cardiology and the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest. The purpose of the program is to teach both students and teachers how to act and how to offer help when someone around them is in need.

“The objective of this program is to train students in pre-university education (grades V-VIII and IX-XII), as well as the teaching staff of these educational units in basic resuscitation techniques, so that they can provide first aid in the event of an accident heart and to popularize simple maneuvers, accessible to anyone, that can help save a life”, says a press release.

The schools where the first aid courses will take place

The organizers established, together with the School Inspectorate of the Municipality of Bucharest (ISMB), that, in the first phase, the first aid lessons will take place in six schools in the capital.

  • District 1: “Jean Monnet” Theoretical High School;
  • Sector 2: National College “Mihai Viteazul”;
  • District 3: “Matei Basarab” National College;
  • District 4: National College “Ion Creangă”;
  • Sector 5: “Ion Barbu” Theoretical High School;
  • Sector 6: “Grigore Moisil” National College.

Preparations will take place on weekends, and registrations are done through schools. The schedule will be from 10:00-14:00.

“The format of these events will consist of a theoretical presentation lasting 30-45 minutes, followed by 45-60 minutes of practical maneuvers carried out on resuscitation simulators,” the press release of the Ministry of Education states .

Ligia Deca would like to have such courses in as many schools as possible

On the occasion of the launch of the program, the Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, said that she hopes that such courses reach as many schools as possible in the country.

“When we talk about education, we need to relate to how school is truly a learning environment for life. I hope that these courses expand and as many children and teachers as possible are prepared to provide first aid in case of need. I appreciate the availability of the Romanian Society of Cardiology and the “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Bucharest to get involved in supporting these courses. I hope that together we can make them reach as many schools as possible. You have my full support,” Deca said.

The new law on pre-university education, 198/2023entered into force at the beginning of September, in Article 188, Paragraph 11, it is specified:

  • “For pre-university education staff, continuing education will include, mandatorily and periodically, a first aid course.”

A petition initiated by Declic this year, asking the Deca League to introduce first aid courses in schools, has been signed by more than 49,000 people.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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