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The German Government attributes the bombing of an evacuee camp in Rafah to a “mistake”

The German Government on Monday attributed the bombing by the Israeli army of an evacuee camp in Rafah to a “mistake” and pointed out that The Israeli Prosecutor’s Office itself “expressed its great concern about this incident.”

In an ordinary press conference, the spokesman for the German Executive, Steffen Hebestreit, noted that ““We are now investigating whether the attack was selective.”but, “In any case, there was a mistake, that can be said now,” he claimed.

But in this regard, he added, “The question of motivation is something that still has to be analyzed.”

To the claim that with the bombing of the evacuee camp in Rafah, Israel has violated international law, the spokesman stated that this is a conclusion with which one should be “somewhat cautious.”

He stressed that the conclusion of if it is a war crime in the sense of international lawl “is something that must be left in the hands of jurists who know the exact factsand at the same time it is right that when something like this happens, it is worthy of condemnation.

“If we have evidence of this, we will certainly do it,” he said, adding that we must first investigate what exactly happened and then make a judgment and not immediately judge based on images, reports EFE.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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