Seven there near you new electric appliance oppure seven interessati all’acquisto di un smart device, like notebook and smart TV? Mediaworld, in this last time, has inaugurated a new and interesting initiativedenominated Super Outlet Mediaworldwhich allows all interested parties to obtain 50% fine scoops with their tantissimi articoli in the catalogue.

Naturally we are talking about a promotion that is made available to all products at prices that are definitely advantageous and, through the alternative, I saw that we will give one to keep the smart TV Samsung QE50Q80BATXZT. Originally available at €999.99ed now sold to “soli” €599.99with a price tag of ben €400.00 from the consigliato price from the asian producer, vale a dire il 40%

Il televisore in question presents the solution adapted to the greatest part of the consumers, in quanto possiede all necessary to achieve success in the fruit of Multimedia content is in the reproduction of video content content. Entering his specific technique, this device possiede a wide QLED panel gives 50 pollici with a resolution in 4K Ultra HD (it is worth directly 3840 x 2160 pixel), with a fine refresh rate at 60 Hz.

Samsung QLED da 50"

Tra le sue caratteristiche troviamo also un processore chiamato “Quantum 4K” che, thanks to all’intelligence artificiale, è in grado di dare vita alle immagini. This powerful component, infatti, transforms all and contents of the whole world extraordinary resolution 4Koptimizing in intelligent way the images, the audio and the other anchor.

Insomma, come implicitly detto, si tratta di a specific time television. Ciò detto, having seen the large number of articles in promotion, I saw that we calmly consult theApposita portal pagecosì da poter sfogliare tutte le proposition di Mediaworld in this Super Outlet.

Infine, prima lasciarvi al vostro prossimo acquisto, vi suggeriamo calmente di iscrivervi anche ai nostri tre channel Telegram dedicati alle offertewith specific channels dedicated to: offer, Hardware & Technology and Abbigliamento e Sport. Good shopping!

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