Surreal job offer to a waitress: You don't answer my questions

The check @I’m a waiter On the social network X is an account dedicated to raising issues related to work in the hospitality industry. From abusive and insulting job offers, to situations in which workers are mistreated, surreal conversations with hoteliers looking for employees and much more. It also occasionally uploads similar items from other sectors.

Well, yesterday I uploaded some screenshots of a conversation between an innkeeper and a waitress which, to understand, must be read slowly and several times. The waitress began the curious conversation by responding to the job offer with her CV.

The innkeeper offered the applicant to take a testwhich she rejected for the moment until knowing the conditions employment. So far, everything is pretty normal. Now is when things start to get surreal.

The offer that the innkeeper made, at first, was 6 days a week and 7 and a half hours a daynot counting the time spent cleaning the kitchen after the service is over. This will be around 45 hours per week, which exceeds the maximum established by lawwhich is 40. Therefore, The waitress was obviously asking if that sixth day would be paid as overtime..

At this point in the conversation is when The innkeeper begins to avoid the questions from the waitress. He doesn’t answer the woman’s question and tells her, out of the blue, that the place is a new seafood restaurant that hasn’t opened yet and that it doesn’t have people to work at midday, as well as inviting her to visit his other establishment, a sushi bar.

The waitress insists on knowing the conditions of work and the contractand asks again about that sixth day of work. The innkeeper He passes the buck and tells him that the place doesn’t open until July 9th. and then we’ll see how we do it.

This does not convince the waitress, who He again insists on knowing the conditions of the contract: Even if you open it on the 9th, you will know the type of contract you will make and so on, right?

The innkeeper answers yes, and He pulls out of his sleeve that he has three waitresses working following the conditions that I was telling you, inviting her to talk to one of them. The truth is that it is difficult to understand what the innkeeper is trying to achieve, since his messages are not exactly clear.

In fact, The waitress tells him that she didn’t understand the last which the innkeeper already gives the finishing touch to the conversation and He tells her that he is very busy (even though at the beginning of the conversation he had told her that he was on break) and that he couldn’t talk any more, that if he wanted to know more he should go to the premises.

We don’t see the end of the conversation, but The waitress seems fed up and says, “I see you don’t want to explain anything to me.”so we assume the conversation ends there.

This X account uploads daily conversations of this style within the hospitality sector, which cThere are more and more characters like this innkeeper.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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