On Sunday, the first showed a new “crime scene” from Switzerland. The audience is not enthusiastic about it. The rate isn’t convincing either.

Many viewers gossip about the new Swiss “Tatort: ​​Seilschaft” on Twitter. Most of the recent case of the Zurich investigators Isabelle Grandjean (Anna Pieri Zuercher) and Tessa Ott (Carol Schuler) apparently did not like it.

In the “crime scene” one person killed three people. The way initially pointed to mafia activities. Finally, the commissioners came across a kidnapping case from two years ago and as a result an abuse ring. The “Tatort” fans were hardly satisfied with the screenplay and theme. The investigators are described as emotionless and stiff. Many country-specific comparisons fall.

Someone writes on Twitter: “It was as exciting as a hole in the cheese. Compared to the last one from Dortmund, a particularly blatant crash. Screenplay, actors, director – unfortunately almost nothing was right this time. Sorry: 5-.” Another viewer says: “You dear Swiss, build clocks, open banks. Röschtis is sizzling for me, but please don’t shoot crime novels. Please.”

“Vainly, expressionless actresses”

A viewer writes about the investigator Tessa Ott that she is “an impertinence. Constantly snotty, of course a bit psycho and because of her solo efforts she ultimately has human lives on her conscience.” Someone also writes: “I don’t want to say anything, but the Swiss ‘Tatort’ always seem so stiff.” Or: “Two meaningless, expressionless actresses.”

Moves on familiar ground in the boxing club: Tessa Ott (Carol Schuler). (Those: ARD Degeto/SRF/Sava Hlavacek)

Synchronization is also a recurring theme in cases from Switzerland. A user writes on Twitter: “I switched off after 30 minutes, I got tired of the synchronization.” One user puts it in a nutshell: “The sound in this ‘crime scene’ was worse than on my HuiBuh the castle ghost fairy tale cassette 35 years ago.”

But there are also positive voices: “It was a very good, violent, but unfortunately true ‘crime scene’ from Zurich, a topic that not everyone can endure. Although unfortunately it is still up to date and makes the legislation despair. You can hardly solve it grow one ring, two grow back, like a hydra.” Also to read: “I’m a simple mind: I liked the ‘crime scene’. I liked it. It’s that simple. You can still be so disdainful and etch.”


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t-online asked Instagram how the “crime scene” was received – here too: a few enthusiastic words. “The ‘crime scene’ was pretty confused. I didn’t like it,” writes a user. A spectator thinks: “I’m not warming up to the Swiss team. It started out really well, then got confused and flattened out completely.”

In terms of odds, the Swiss team set a negative record with their fifth case. A total of only 5.93 million people tuned in to “Seilschaft”. Fewer than ever before. So far, the team has always provided 6.84 to 7.85 million fans in front of the television. Nevertheless, there was a good market share of 24 percent on Sunday evening. This had been lower in three out of four previous crime novels. That was enough – as usual – for the “crime scene” day victory.


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