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The star news of the day in the GALA ticker: Tanja Szewczenko and her family have to move again +++ Lena Meyer-Landrut is celebrating her two-year anniversary with this man +++ Lili Paul-Roncalli’s friend Dominic Thiem has to cancel the US Open.

The star news of the day in the GALA ticker

2. September 2023

Tanja Szewczenko has to leave her dream house again

It’s not going to be quiet for Tanja Szewczenko, 46. After the native of Düsseldorf moved to Dubai with her family and moved into her dream house there, it’s time to pack her bags again. “We’re going to move out of here first,” explains the triple mom in her story. So back away from the desert state? Back towards home again? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that!

For the 46-year-old, her husband Norman and the three kids, it just goes a little further out. In a furnished apartment. Because your own house has to be extensively renovated first. Something else was needed for the renovation period. “We’re starting on September 18th. I found something reasonably affordable. Furnished for five people with a dog, at short notice, not that easy,” explains Tanja. Not easy, but doable! And where is the five-member emigrant family headed now? “In the pampa of the desert,” jokes Tanja. “The house is further inland. We’ll be in the car more and longer.”

1. September 2023

Lena Meyer-Landrut celebrates two years of anniversary with this man

A few weeks ago, Lena Meyer-Landrut, 32, caused concern on social media: the singer informed her fans that she had a riding accident in which she suffered sustained a double fracture of the sacrum. Now she’s in touch with happier news, as she’s celebrating two years with a special man: photographer and social media manager Eric Joel Nagel.

In her Instagram story, Lena reposts a photo collage consisting of numerous pictures of her and Eric. She writes: “That’s crazy. Thank you Eric, you’re the gerbil that throws the online load. Without you, we’d be lost in the endless hamster wheel of postings (sic).”

31. August 2023

Lili Paul-Roncalli’s friend Dominic Thiem has to abandon the US Open

For Dominic Thiem, 29, it was actually a coming home: In 2020 the Austrian tennis professional won the US Open, his biggest win to date and only Grand Slam title. Lili Paul-Roncalli’s boyfriend, 25, wanted to achieve as much this year, but had to admit defeat in round two against US tennis pro Ben Shelton, 20. According to the broadcaster “Eurosport”, after a toilet break, Thiem writhed in pain on the net, then he went to his bench, sat there and tried to throw up again. Doctors rushed to his aid, but even they were unable to alleviate his nausea. They were dramatic scenes.

Dominic Thiem didn’t want to give up, but he just couldn’t continue the game. The professional athlete had to struggle with stomach problems beforehand and was unable to take part in the ATP tournament in Winston-Salem in North Carolina compete, explained his management. And now at the US Open it was once again girlfriend Lili Paul-Roncalli who was by Dominic’s side and supported him. This is shown by a snapshot that Thiem’s ​​physiotherapist Matthias Kapl shared in his Instagram story and that Lili reposted. The photo was probably taken after the game, as can be seen from Dominic’s black pants and blue shoes. In the photo he could at least laugh a little again.

30. August 2023

Alexander Klaws celebrates son Lenny’s milestone

The end of summer means an exciting new beginning for many parents: their children start school, as does the son of singer Alexander Klaws, 39. Lenny, 6, a kindergarten child, has now grown into a big school child. How proud the first DSDS winner from 2003 is of his eldest child Klaws has another son Flynn, 3, with his wife and musical actress Nadja Scheiwiller, 38, he now shows with a three-part picture gallery on Instagram.

“Then it’s suddenly here, the first day of school! Incredibly filled with love and pride, a new phase of life begins for you. You just fitted into my right hand and soon you’ll explain life to me (sic)”: Alexander Klaws addressed these touching words to his Lenny and wished “all the freshmen out there a great start to school!” In addition, the musical actor posts a recording of his son with a tinkered racing car shoulder. The third snapshot shows the six-year-old with a satchel and helmet racing to school on his bike. Lenny seems so independent that dad Alexander must have swallowed one or the other loo in his throat. These are extremely private insights into his everyday family life, which Klaws rarely gives to his almost 100,000 followers.

Anna Adamyan takes her first café trip with her new baby

In December 2022, Anna Adamyan’s, 27, biggest wish, for which she had been fighting for years, came true: the influencer happily announced her pregnancy. “I’m pregnant! Our artificial insemination worked,” she wrote in an Instagram post. At the beginning of this month, the time had come: her son was born on August 10th, healthy and alert. After the birth with “unpleasant course”, the former “ Germany’s Next Topmodel” candidate is now back with her followers and shares this family photo.

Together with husband Sargis Adamyan, 30, she dared her first trip with the newborn. In her Instagram story she reports on the little adventure. The new parents were “more excited than anything else”. The little “Dino”, as she only calls her little boy in public, “coped very well” with the visit to the café, as Anna reveals. She explains that it was good for her to get out and she seems to be completely immersed in her new role.

29. August 2023

Bayern player Daniel Peretz cuddles with ESC stars

Israeli goalkeeper Daniel Peretz, 23, just signed a five-year contract with FC Bayern Munich last Friday, August 25. But he not only brings his talent to the club, but also pure glamor in the form of his girlfriend, the Israeli singer Noa Kirel, 22. The musician took third place in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest with her hit “Unicorn” and is already a star in her home country.

Daniel Peretz and Noa Kirel only made their relationship official last Thursday, August 24th, when they presented themselves to the photographers at Tel Aviv airport to fly together as a couple to Munich to sign the contract. Kirel also accompanied her partner to his first Bayern game on Sunday. Pictures of the two show them hugging each other on the grandstand of Munich’s Allianz Arena stadium.

28. August 2023

Lena Meyer-Landrut writes depressed message

Lena Meyer-Landrut, 32, “pukes up”. In her broadcast channel on Instagram, she vents her bad mood. Because the singer is still suffering from the consequences of her riding accident, which she had almost three weeks ago. She suffered a double fracture of the sacrum and has had to take it easy ever since.

At the same time, there were so many exciting things to do for the 32-year-old. And that, or the thought of it, apparently drives her insane. “I’m throwing up, actually I’m about to Stars for Free in Berlin on stage,” she complains in a video that she publishes on her broadcast channel. Lena is lying, looking sad. No wonder! “But I can’t, I can’t because my ass is broken “, she adds to her complaint, and it’s obvious how much she suffers from being bedridden.

Mick Schumacher raves about his loved ones

Just a few days ago, Mick Schumacher, 24, son of Formula 1 legend Michael Schumacher, 54, presented his new girlfriend for the first time on Instagram: Model Laila Hasanovic, 22, is the woman who was able to conquer the heart of the racing driver. The blonde comes from Copenhagen and works as a model and influencer, has around 195,000 followers on Instagram, who inspire her with professional model photos, but also with snapshots from her everyday life. But she obviously inspires one person the most: Mick Schumacher.

In an interview with RTL, Mick also revealed how in love he is with his Laila. “I’m really happy,” he enthused, grinning meaningfully. How you look when you are head over heels in love.

He made his relationship official with an Instagram post, and Laila Hasanovic also posted a love-struck photo on her account during a love vacation together from a yacht in front of St. Tropez.

Although Mick and Laila want to keep their relationship and their happiness private, they didn’t want to keep their relationship a secret. It was very important to the athlete “not to hide”. When you’re so happy, you just want to shout your happiness out into the world.

The star news of the past week

Read all the news from the past week here.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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