The UTE, Ademys and CAMYP teachers unions are carrying out a strike this Monday, at all educational levels (NA)

This Monday, various Teacher unions carry out a strike in the City of Buenos Aires in demand for an alleged “mistreatment” of education by the Buenos Aires government and to demand the reopening of the salary table. The sectors affected by the measure are the Union of Education Workers (UTE)the Teachers Association ademys and the Argentine Union of Teachers and Professors (CAMYP).

“This Monday, May 8, the teachers of the city are going to strike in unity, called jointly by UTE, Ademys and CAMYP because the city ​​government it continues to neglect children, adolescents, workers and schools”, says a statement released by UTE.

We demand the GCBA to end the mistreatment of educationgenerate protection and reparation tools for teachers victims of violence and unfounded complaints and immediately reopen the salary and working conditions table. The school is a territory of love, peace and solidarity”, they pointed out from the Union of Education Workers.

“In the face of hate speech, attempts to break ties between the educational community and the encroachment on the rights of children and teachers, we reaffirm that schools are a territory of peace, love and solidarity”, they stated.

The teaching unions also request the reopening of the salary table
The teaching unions also request the reopening of the salary table

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Ademys also added a striking claim. They denounced “violence” against the teachers accused of sexual abuse in Kindergarten No. 9. It is about the complaint of a mother before the Justice to three teachers from room 4 for sexually abusing their students at the establishment from the Buenos Aires neighborhood Palermo. Due to the fact, the teachers were separated from their positions and an administrative summary was initiated while the investigation progresses.

“We repudiate the police and media violence exercised against the teachers of the Nucleado C de 09 Kindergarten that, in the framework of an investigation by presumption of violation of rights and with teachers separated from their positionsintimidated the institution, leaving them isolated and incommunicado without any justification,” they stated in a statement.

From Ademys they denounced acts of violence in educational establishments, after the complaints of sexual abuse in the Kindergarten No. 9 in Palermo
From Ademys they denounced acts of violence in educational establishments, after the complaints of sexual abuse in the Kindergarten No. 9 in Palermo

“This is not an isolated event. It occurs within the framework of a systematic attack on teaching by the City Government, both on a symbolic level and on a material level when they propose poverty wages, naturalizing the double or triple shift to have a salary that allows us to live , and schools are emptied of resources to address the serious situation that affects children, families, and teachers,” they added.

For his part, this Monday in dialogue with urban play, Jorge Adaro, union secretary of ADEMYS, made reference to the allegations of abuse. “The strike we are doing is in support of the kindergarten teachers in Palermo, where there was a situation in the public domain,” he said. “We need there to be an investigation of course. What we are noticing is the procedure that has been carried out,” Adaro said.

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And he added: “We consider serious how it has been addressed. They have practically already denounced these teachers. There is an ongoing investigation, one should wait for the results of the investigation.”

The Board of Directors of ademys made a judicial presentation in recent days against the Buenos Aires Minister of Education, Soledad Acuñato reject the “irregular and unilateral” placement of cameras in different schools from the city. The argument of the presentation is to consider that the measure “attempts against the privacy of workers and violates the dignity of students.”

Ademys denounced Buenos Aires minister Soledad Acuña for placing cameras in schools (Gastón Taylor)
Ademys denounced Buenos Aires minister Soledad Acuña for placing cameras in schools (Gastón Taylor)

Through a statement, signed by its general secretary Mariana Scayola Laumannthe union expressed: “We come to reject the irregular and unilateral attitude of the City Government of placing cameras in different schools under its orbit. Its intention is to record all the movements of teachers within the classroom and constitutes a disproportionate attack on the privacy of workers and violates the dignity and privacy of students.”

It is worth remembering that weeks ago the government of the city of Buenos Aires announced the installation of surveillance cameras in 147 schools to prevent theft of computers and technological equipment.

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