Tension between Venezuela and Guyana puts vulnerable communities at risk

CARACAS. – La ONG FundaRedes warned that the tension between Venezuela and Guyana due to the territorial dispute of the Essequibo puts the most vulnerable populations at risk.

In its bulletin “Border Indicators”, dated December 13, the organization noted that since November there has been a considerable increase in the conflict in the extreme east of the country, which has led Brazil to intensify defensive actions on its border with Venezuela. and Guyana, which translate into an increase in the number of military contingents on the border.

“Considering the complaints and facts documented by FundaRedes in relation to the military actions that have been perpetrated in this area of ​​the country, claiming the lives of innocent people, it is necessary to warn that this type of tension puts vulnerable communities at greater risk, highlighting them indigenous people, women, boys, girls, adolescents and older adults,” the ONG.

At the same time he pointed out that according to the logic of the Nicolás regime Maduro If they defend themselves from an external enemy, “human rights violations could be committed, expressed in arbitrary arrests, extrajudicial executions and other acts against residents who live in the middle of the disputed area and its surroundings.”

Venezuela-Guyana Meeting

On the other hand, for FundaNetes expectations about Nicolás’ appointment Maduro and the president of Guyana, Irfaan Ali, this December 14 in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines are low and would not bring progress to the dispute over the Essequibo.

“Guyana has already clarified that its only way to resolve the boundary dispute is the International Court of Justice, an option to which the Venezuelan State (regime) flatly refuses, appealing to the Geneva agreement and other resources; which is why perhaps it will only obtain a momentary cessation of tensions between both countries, but that can be stoked at any time,” said the ONG.

The organization also expressed that it seems that the Maduro regime “is in search of an external enemy that will fan nationalist sentiment and lead the population into a common struggle under its leadership, to evade the 2024 presidential elections at all costs and erode the leadership of presidential candidate María Corina Machado, elected in the October 2023 primary election.”


Source: FundaNetes

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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