Guadalupe Irizar/ Reform Agency

Wednesday, April 19, 2023 | 15:59

Mexico City.- The members of the national leadership of Morena can breathe, since the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation (TEPJF) validated the extension of the national leadership of Morena, with which Mario Delgado, as president, and Citlalli Hernández will continue in their posts as general secretary.

Judge Janine Otálora’s draft sentence, which planned to revoke that extension of the partisan mandate and order new elections for August of this year, was rejected by the Superior Chamber, with four votes against and only two in favor.

After more than an hour of discussion, the magistrates of the Superior Chamber of the TEPJF confirmed the extension of the national leadership of Morena until October 31, 2024, approved by its III Ordinary National Congress.

The magistrates Felipe de la Mata, José Luis Vargas, Felipe Fuentes and Indalfer Infante presented before the plenary session their rejection of the project of the rapporteur magistrate Janine Otálora, who proposed declaring the extension of the extension unconstitutional

leadership of Mario Delgado and Citlalli Hernández.

Presiding Judge Reyes Rodríguez announced his vote in favor of Judge Otálora’s project.

The rejected project considered that the extension affected the rights of the militants to renew their leadership periodically and did not comply with democratic principles and the statutes.

The majority rejected the project and confirmed the agreement of the INE, which had already validated the validity of this extension and the reform of the Morena statutes in December.

The magistrates who made the majority stressed the importance of defending the principles of self-organization and self-determination of political parties, as well as the decision of the majority of those attending the III National Congress of Morena.

In Congress, 1,807 congressmen out of 2,898 attendees approved the extension, along with other modifications to the Morena statutes, with 520 votes against and 38 abstentions.

Morenistas protest

When magistrate Felipe de la Mata argued on the subject, in the sense of confirming the extension of the Morena leadership, members of the Morenista National Convention, opponents of the Delgado and Hernández leadership, yelled at the magistrates.

The president of the Court, Magistrate Reyes Rodríguez, supported Otálora’s project: “I agree with each and every one of the reasons that he has presented to us,” Rodriguez said.

“It is an enormous disappointment, the pressure of the current leadership was stronger. They cancel our right to have democratically elected leaders in Morena,” said academic John Ackerman, one of the promoters of the resource.


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