The wednesday and Thursday next will be the allegations of the trial for the crime of Fernando Báez Sosa that is carried out in the city of Dolores, where the prosecutor’s office, the individual victim and the defending They will present their foundations in relation to the convictions and sentences that they will request for the eight defendants for the homicide of the young law student.

Judicial sources confirmed that next Wednesday, starting at 9 o’clock, at the headquarters of the Oral Criminal Court (TOC) 1 in Dolores, the allegations will begin with the presentation of the trial prosecutors, Juan Manuel Dávila and Gustavo García. During the same day, the lawyers Fernando Burlando, Fabián Améndola and Facundo Améndola, representatives of the parents of Báez Sosa, Silvino Báez and Graciela Sosa, will also present their foundations.

Both the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the lawyers for the individual affected stated that they will continue with the accusation with which the case was brought to trial and in which the eight defendants are considered responsible for the crime of “aggravated homicide due to treachery and the premeditated cooperation of two or more people”, which provides for a life sentence, and “injuries”, in relation to the attacks suffered by Ferdinand’s friends

On the other hand, on Thursday it will be the turn of the technical defense, in charge of the lawyer Hugo Tomei, representative of the defendants. Máximo Thomsen (23), Enzo Comelli (22), Matías Benicelli (23), Blas Cinalli (21), Ayrton Viollaz (23), and Luciano (21), Ciro (22) and Lucas Pertossi (23).

Tomei’s strategy outlined during the oral debate was based on demonstrating that the crime of the young law student was in the context of a “homicide in fight or assault”which according to article 95 of the Criminal Code provides for a sentence of between 2 to 6 years.

Meanwhile, the eight defendants are expected to use their right to the last words in front of judges María Claudia Castro, Christian Rabaia and Emiliano Lazzari.

During the testing stage, Lucas, Luciano and Ciro Pertossi, Máximo Thomsen and Blas Cinalli requested to testify; while Matías Benicelli, Ayrton Viollaz and Enzo Comelli opted for not doing so.

Once the arguments and the last words of the defendants are finished, the judges of TOC 1 will announce the date of the sentence, which is expected to be the January 30 or 31. The final stage of the trial of the eight rugby players accused of the crime of Fernando Baez Sosa can be followed live through YouTube channel of the Buenos Aires Supreme Court of Justice

The oral debate lasted through 13 days of presenting evidence and the testimony of 87 people, including relatives of the victim and the defendants, friends of Fernando, witnesses to the attack, police officers, doctors, firefighters, and health professionals. .

The eight defendants await the arguments lodged in the mayor’s office of Penal Unit 6 of Doloreswhere they were transferred from the Melchor Romero prison on January 1, prior to the start of the trial.

On Wednesdays of each week they received a visit from their relatives, who also brought them merchandise and items for personal hygiene. Last week the visit was suspended since it coincided with the date of the third anniversary of Fernando’s crime and the relatives estimated that a mobilization to the prison could be carried out, as confirmed to telam a relative of the defendants.


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