We know the universal gap between words and deeds. For a week, we pitifully measure the precipice formed between the words and the writings of a “Barjols”. This Thursday, January 19, at the Paris Criminal Court, the words written in the fall of 2018 by Jean-Pierre Bouyer are projected on a giant screen. This kingpin of the far-right group has posted lines and lines of emails or posts on social networks. The sentences click. Facebook is, at this time, a fertile ground which carries as much the frenzy of the creation of the “yellow vests” as the annealed hatreds of seeing “this France that has changed so much”. “This permanent intoxication of the infected media in the service of this hysterical little pubescent dictator gives me desires which in me had disappeared” (sic), writes Bouyer, detailing his “want to kill” and the one to go ” in combat “.

In court, Jean-Pierre Bouyer, gray turtleneck, crumpled mine, appears at the bar very awkward, an adjective to be applied to his apparent clumsiness rather than to his political ties. He mumbles:

” We must see [les messages] with a meaning. It was to stop things. I wanted people to wake up. That we stop living in such conditions […] If I wanted to fight, it was to give a better future to my children. »

Projected hatred and messy terrorism

He is questioned about his political positions. “I followed Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, I liked it”

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