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If it’s im Garten or on the balcony going around again, we occasionally encounter little plants that we have never seen before or simply do not recognize. Used years ago or added wildly, it was previously without botanist in the environment not so easy to clarify the identity of the green friends.

But thanks to some apps, this problem is a thing of the past. Today it only needs one Smartphone or one Camera and the seedlings are identified with the right app in a few seconds.

We present you these Plant Recognition Apps before:

  • PlantNet: iOS and Android
  • iNaturalist: iOS and Android
  • PlantSnap: iOS and Android
  • PictureThis: iOS and Android
  • Google and Google Lens: iOS and Android


PlantNet is one of the most popular and most extensive apps in the field of plant recognition. Developed in France, the app has shifted mainly to the study of biodiversity. Once we’ve downloaded PlantNet, we’re ready to go. We only have to confirm a query about the prevailing flora.

We can select these using GPS, a manual map or our own list of topics. Would we like ours? Observations with the community and above all scientists share, we can also create an account. If you don’t want that, you can easily skip this step. After that we land directly in the dashboard of the app. This is where the app gets straight to the point. The button for identifying plants is prominently placed in the middle.

We can use this to take a direct photo of the plants to be identified. Once the photo is uploaded, PlantNet spits out one or more results within seconds. While the cherry laurel was immediately identified, the young tomato plant was just one of many results. If the app is safe, we only get a small selection. If the task is trickier, we are also served several results for review. PlantNet also displays a Latin name for each result potential trivial names and the probability of a match.

If we tap on the “i” symbol next to the respective result, we also receive additional information such as other designations, usage or plant family. In addition to recognition, we can also simply browse the app. The “Load” tab contains uploads from the community that share their own plants.

Under “Species” we can also search through a wide variety of plant families and genera. In addition to the good search results, the price is probably one of PlantNet’s best features. The app is all around for free and does not require any exhausting weekly subscriptions from us.

PlantNet is free for iOS and Android available.


The iNaturalist app also relies on an open community and research in the background. Here, too, we can have plants identified, but the application also deals with insects and animals. After downloading the app, there is a short introduction to the background of iNaturalist. Here, too, we can create an account upon request, which gives us full use of the Community-Features permitted. However, registration is not mandatory, we can simply skip the step to land directly on the dashboard.

If we want to start the identification directly, we have to tap on the “Observation” tab. Here we can snap a photo, choose one from the gallery or even record sound. We can also deposit an observation without a photo. The app then prepares our observations like a diary entry. Next to the photo we can Remarks deposit, enter the date and place and indicate whether we cultivate the plants. In the “What did you find” section, we can then Suggestions let the app tell us which plant we have in front of us.

In the test, the app was able to recognize a cherry laurel immediately, but the freshly grown tomato seedlings were too big a challenge due to their young stage. However, if we already have the information about the respective plants, we can store them in the entry and thus support the app. We can see what other users of the app are up to in the “Explore” tab.

There you can use the map to view current entries from others. In addition to plants, many insects can also be seen here, which give an insight into the biodiversity in our area. In the “Me” tab we can collect, edit and review our own entries. iNaturalist also provides the research to the fore and offers the app completely free of charge, there are no in-app purchases or one-off payments.

iNaturalist is free for iOS and Android available.


Another app with a full focus on plant identification is PlantSnap. PlantSnap is also one of them uncomplicated apps in the league, but she also demands it no registration. When you start the app for the first time, there is a short introduction that brings us closer to the project. After that we can start straight away. Similar to the other applications in this category, PlantSnap also relies on one Mixture of community and research. Landed in the app’s dashboard, we can start testing the app directly.

We can use the “Snap” tab to upload images directly for identification by taking photos directly or using our gallery. In order to improve the results according to the app, we should then crop the respective photos directly. After tapping Next, the photos will then be uploaded for identification. PlantSnap also had no trouble with a classic cherry laurel, but exuded some uncertainty with its additional potential results. When it came to identifying the self-grown young plants, however, the app came to an end.

Instead of at least showing similar results here, cacti and green algae suddenly appeared. However, in the case of a correct identification, PlantSnap holds some Further information ready. Next to one subject designation we receive an extensive description as well as information on size and properties such as frost hardiness and correct location. A community feature is also integrated into PlantSnap, which allows us to view plants in our environment.

If we have an account, we can also like and comment on recordings. In the “Discover” tab we can also search the area for entries. While PlantSnap offers basic functions free of charge, the full range of functions requires a monetary investment. 2.99 euros per month or 19.99 euros per year are then due for the full database and unlimited queries.

PlantSnap is free for iOS and Android available.


The PictureThis app also specializes in identifying plants. PictureThis is certainly one of the most popular apps in this genre, but it is also one of the most expensive. When we start the app for the first time, we are given a brief introduction, only to be confronted directly with the harsh reality. Without a subscription, we can’t even start the app properly, as PictureThis at least suggests. In fact, there is a color-hidden Cancel button.

A Test-Subscription but it is still available, so we can at least test for seven days whether the app is any good at all. Once we have left the business behind us, we can start right away. With PictureThis, of course, the focus is on uploading photos. We find the photo button placed centrally, which allows us to take a photo or upload it from the gallery. Again, I uploaded a full-grown cherry laurel and tomato seedlings.

PictureThis was able to spot both of them straight away. But it’s not the only thing that’s particularly interesting about the app outstanding identification. PictureThis also delivers the compared to the other apps most information about the plant. The info panel contains dozens of alternative names for some entries. We also get an extensive description and a wide variety of characteristics to read, including lifespan, height, color and crown diameter. Also ample information on terms and conditions optimal care we get served.

On a map we can also see the distribution over the world. If we want to document all our plants, we can add the respective results to our own virtual garden. PictureThis gives us even more support. With the Feature „Diagnose“ the app examines our plants for diseases. Once a problem has been identified, we receive information and advice on how to deal with it. In the “More” tab, we can also obtain information on various features.

Do we want to know about whether a plant toxic to pets is, the app has its own feature for it. At the end of the day, however, these additional features also have their price. 29.49 euros per year are due if we don’t want to be limited in the number of identifications and additional features. While the app is one of my absolute favorites in terms of features and quality, the price is only justified for users who need constant information about plants.

PictureThis is free for iOS and Android available.

Google Lens

While specialized plant identification apps are quick to download, not everyone wants that for the occasional query. Who already the Google-App on the smartphone, but can also use it to remedy the situation. By integrating Google Lens in Google’s search app or on Android as an independent app, we can also easily upload images here to have them identified by Google.

After opening the Google app, we only have to go to the search mask the Lens-Symbol choose. Here we can then take a photo directly or upload it from the gallery. Google Lens was also able to identify the two test objects, cherry laurel and young tomato. identify flawlessly. For any additional information, we then have to go to the respective pages on Google Lens, where you can read more about the respective plant.

Google is free for iOS available. Google Lens is free for Android available.


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