A day later, the General Confederation of Labor (CGT) celebrated on May 1 with an act where he once again urged the ruling class to recover the definitive course towards “development, production and work”. Within this framework, they insisted on the need to convene a great “political, economic and social agreement”, while trying to give a couple of political signals with criticism of the opposition sectors that propose labor, pension and health reform; the outright rejection of dollarization proposed by Javier Milei and rediscussing the agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Although the absence of one of the General Secretaries of the labor union, Pablo Moyano, was notorious, the presence of the leader of the Truckers, Hugo Moyano, is in line with the idea of ​​”unity” that the organized labor movement wants to give. It is also necessary to highlight the message sent by Sergio Massawhom most of the leaders see as the candidate of the Frente de Todos and organizer of the ruling party.

With the participation of all the spaces that make up the board of directors (Gordos, Independientes and Barrionuevistas), the CGT said that on the 40th anniversary of the democratic recovery, we are convinced that with medium and long-term development policies we will be able to get out of the short-term perspective that plunges us into the emergency trap so as not to think about the future” and added that “it is certainly necessary to attend to the needs of today and now, which plunge large sectors of our society into the scourges of exclusion and poverty”.

He argued that “a great agreement must be put in place that promotes and strengthens a true and permanent alliance between production and work, the only sustainable formula to guarantee inclusive growth with social justice. We need to recover the desires that true democracy must represent” .

Massa’s message to workers

As reported by iProfessional, Massa had been specially invited to the meeting which took place at the Defensores de Belgrano stadium. Although he could not attend, the Minister of Economy was concerned to send a greeting. Which said the following:

Sergio Massa could not be present at the event because he traveled to Brazil with President Alberto Fernández

“Dear partners:

I want to send you these little lines to apologize for not being there. I would have liked very much to accompany the workers on this day, to convey to them my commitment to work together to stabilize the economy and recover wages. But the task took me to Brazil, to work on consolidating the economic and commercial relationship with our brother country..

There will be no shortage of opportunities for another meeting, to share together the debate on the future of work in a world that surprises us every day. A big hug with the conviction of believing in only one class of men, those who work”.

The leadership of the mother labor organization has been working for a long time with the intention of meeting publicly with Massa. However, the economic situation first made it impossible for the minister to visit the historic Azopardo building and now this act for International Workers’ Day.

Politics is a tool to transform society

The CGT affirmed that “only through a ruling class that understands that politics is the only tool for transforming an unfair and unequal society and not the search for personal interests, will we be able to recover the hope that ends the disenchantment and disbelief in institutions and in the political class, fertile ground for the emergence of emerging groups that with anti-system messages seek to capitalize on social discontent, seriously jeopardizing the validity of a full democratic system that represents and contains all sectors of society equally” .

I declare that the plant “has taken a very important step in caring for the unity beyond the nuances of diversity. We do it convinced that no one has an absolute truth. This is our contribution to the current reality of the national movement, putting down individual positions in favor of the common good. We are not stone guests.”

He remarked that “we are the result of a historical process that was born in 1945 where, beyond the social, labor and economic rights that the workers incorporated into the collective memory, we forever acquired political participation and the right to be architects of our own destiny”.

The General Confederation of Labor celebrated this Tuesday May 1 with an act

He stressed that “part of this evolution made us go through the democratic recovery by providing governability, even in particularly adverse contexts. This gives us the right to participate in the political decisions that our movement must express. The current economic and social context is complex enough to get lost in pettiness and canceling tactics“.

Looking at social plans and promoting work culture

Likewise, he raised the need to invoke our Pope Francis, with the “promotion of the culture of encounter. The country needs more meetings, more dialogue, even in dissentespecially to face the policies that allow us to reach the direction with which everyone, without exclusions, can identify”.

He explained that “we need to recreate the dialogue to come together in a consensus platform on ten State policies aimed at boosting the productive economic potential that Argentina has. We all know that the photo of the current situation is very different from the x-ray of our country. No one can resign themselves to believing that the material conditions of Argentina are 40% of poverty and levels of inequality that conspire against the necessary social cohesion. Designing a sustainable development model and carrying it out today requires a condition of the first order”.

From the CGT they indicated that “the historical truth is unappealable regarding the irresponsibility with which the debt was contracted, the consequences of which are becoming more conditioning every day. A rediscussion of terms and guidelines of the conditions on the committed debt services is urgent with the IMF”.

They warned that “fundamental economic variables, exogenous to the current administration, underwent changes that altered the conditions that inspired the original negotiations. Consistent with the need for dialogue to find long-term solutions, we must learn from the lessons of the recent past. The initiative of the Economic and Social Council, its lack of institutionality by law, marks the difference between agreements around State policies and simple expressions of desires We must stop this escalation of every man for himself that translates into lack of social protection, loss of purchasing power, distortion of relative prices due to the effect of inflation and appropriation of extraordinary rents”.

He held the need for “recover the culture of work as a transforming axis and effectively democratizing society. The Argentines who live from precarious jobs, the young people who access an increasingly exclusive and segmented labor market deserve opportunities for fulfillment that go beyond the mere subsistence that social plans impose on them. The levels of poverty and indigence should lead us to think of a superior alternative where work and production are axes that promote progress and opportunities for all. Argentina must join a world that debates the future of work in a modern and intelligent way“.

The CGT rejected the dollarization proposed by Javier Milei

And stated that “the world discusses a new social contract as the other side of rentier business models that claim that it is the quality of work and the workers who dedicate their efforts to regressing towards pre-capitalist models. Our vocation for discussion and agreements are not limited to sustaining the status quo.”

Defense of the Argentine union model

The workers’ union stated that “unionism in general and Argentina in particular is at the forefront of discussing a model of labor relations that places us in a world that debates the reduction of the working day as a means of generating more employment and better distribute the extraordinary profit of capital. Argentina, since the irruption of Peronism. in the political and social life of the country, found in workers’ organizations the only lasting and effective tool for sectoral agreement through collective bargaining”.

He affirmed that “it is false and intentional to say that collective labor agreements are anachronistic and static. Thanks to the dynamics of collective bargaining, workers and employers have a space for sectoral agreement that has shown signs of reasonableness and evolution of working conditions , but also of production”.

Finally, he expressed that “a country where decent work, production, development and social justice are the pillars of an effective, consistent and lasting reality. The reality of a new Argentina. The Argentina that Argentines deserve “.


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