The campaigns to renew the governorships of Coahuila and the State of Mexico began. Judging by the polls, only a miracle can change the course, in both entities. Manolo Jiménez and the teacher Delfina are headed for victory.

In the Supreme Court and in the Administrative Justice Court, the election of the new incumbents yielded unexpected results for the Fourth Transformation. With the presidency of the Congress of the Union divided, without closeness to the heads of the Judiciary, the INE, and the INAI, the attention of the ruling party will soon turn to the UNAM.

The election of the new rector of the UNAM is as important as the appointment of Guadalupe Taddei as the new councilor president or the appointment of Minister Norma Piña.

Six months after the end of the second term of Enrique Graue, according to recently consulted sources, the UNAM Governing Board will proceed to an auscultation, before voting on the appointment of the new rector, which would take place no later than next October. The former minister Margarita Luna Ramos recently joined that deliberative body.

The proposal of the Oaxacan deputy Armando Contreras Castillo (MORENA) to elect the rector through a direct vote of the university community still remains to be resolved. Although he generated an immediate and almost unanimous rejection due to its implications —it would be a flagrant violation of the autonomy of the Maximum House of Studies— that initiative was not withdrawn.

Contreras was mayor of his native Concepción Pápalo, a Chantino municipality in the Sierra Mazateca of Oaxaca, and in the last decade he has had a prolific political career: senator of the Republic, secretary of indigenous affairs of the CEN of MORENA and now a federal deputy. Since 2021, he has been in charge of a group of electoral operators who have traveled to different parts of the national geography and is currently working to organize support committees for the presidential candidacy of Claudia Sheinbaum.

Was yours an initiative without authorization? Armando Contreras is not just another congressman. Suffice it to remember that at the beginning of the current regular session, he was the deputy who signed the initiative that incorporated the National Guard into the Armed Forces and that only in December of last year he proposed to reform the general laws of Social Communication and Administrative Responsibilities of the public servants, the first two laws of Plan B, which are on hold, like the rest of the laws of Plan B of the electoral reform.

After the Easter holiday, there will be 15 days of legislative work left and until the regular session ends, there will be certainty about the rules that will regulate the appointment of the new rector of UNAM.

Side effects

INTENSITIES. Suspended the morning conference, until next week. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador will be at his farm in Palenque. Chiapas, until Easter Sunday. The Secretary of the Interior, Adán Augusto López Hernández, will remain in Mexico City and will lead the meetings of the security cabinet.


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