The content of the disgusting email that warned Mara Jos Surez about the love scam of Alvaro Muoz Escassi

What seemed to have been a typical breakup in which the two members of the former couple had an immense affection for each other is set to end up in the soap opera of the summer. Mara Jos Surez announced her separation from Alvaro Muoz Escassi less than a week ago and the rider already has a new illusionas he himself has hinted in the last few hours: the actress Hiba Abouk.

All these moves between the couple took place after returning from a cruise where they symbolically got married. Miquel Valls, a collaborator of Espejo Público, has confirmed that they returned from their excursion very much in love, excited and with plans for the future. However, everything was cut short 48 hours after setting foot on solid ground.

When I returned from the cruise I heard some unpleasant news that took me three or four days to digest, and now I also find out about Hiba. I need to process everything, let time pass, recover and heal. I don’t want to know anything about this person.Surez said in front of the microphones last Monday. Valls, who is aware of the content of the email in which he was informed of the aforementioned news, has shed light on the matter.

The email has five points. This person introduces himself, describes himself and tells you in the first one: Alvaro has been unfaithful to you, the collaborator has started. In point two he tells her about the times he has been unfaithful and with whom. In point three, the intentions that Alvaro had with this person and with Maria Jose. In point four he explains some of the sexual practices they performed in detail. And, in number five, Alvaro promises to spend days with this person who gets in touch.

Obviously, the content of the email was not at all to Surez’s liking, who describes everything as disgusting and totally rejects their relationship. A romance that she describes as the biggest love scam she has ever suffered in her life. Valls, to conclude his argument, concluded by emphasizing that Escassi’s intention was to continue with both women at the same time.

His present with Hiba Abouk

Last Saturday, at the party organized by El Turronero for the communion of one of his granddaughters, the closeness that Escassi and Hiba Abouk experienced was particularly striking. On the TardeAR program, the journalist Paloma Barrientos recounted the mutual displays of affection between the two and that they even had breakfast together the next morning.I say.

Asked about a friendship that began during the filming of MasterChef Celebrity, Escassi himself told Leticia Requejo that they were friends. I’m single and I’m not doing anything wrong by meeting anyone, the rider said.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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