The decline of the Cuban regime and the fight for freedom

“Freedom, Sancho, is one of the most precious gifts that the heavens gave to men; The treasures that the earth contains nor the sea conceals can be compared with it; For freedom, as well as for honour, one can and should risk one’s life, and, on the contrary, captivity is the greatest evil that can come to men.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.

The Cuban revolution, which in its beginnings “promised” equality, justice and prosperity for all, became a few years later a great nightmare that has unfortunately lasted more than six agonizing decades. The totalitarian system imposed by the Castros and their followers on the Island has led to a deep crisis that today more than ever shows its inevitable decline. My article aims in a civic manner and from my freedom of conscience to continue raising my voice for those who dream once and forever to live in freedom and in full dignity as children of God. Furthermore, exposing the decline of the Cuban regime is in some way exposing and thanking the tireless fight of the historical exile for the freedom of those who live on Prison Island.

One of the causes of the decline is the issue of the Cuban economy, which has been in constant crisis due to the inefficiencies inherent in the centralization of the economy. The lack of resources is combined with the corruption of those at the top of the regime, combined with poor management of foreign investments. The misnamed “economic reforms” have been a total disaster due to the level of inflation that has caused a terrible hunger crisis and has led to the decadent survival of ordinary Cubans.

Another cause is the lack of genuine and coherent leadership of those who hold power, they do not exercise it as a service to their brothers for a certain term, but as personal enrichment and perpetual dynasty. The lack of charisma and clear vision of what should be done in institutional terms is an obvious example of its disastrous decline. And the gerontocracy that continues to run the country is completely disconnected from the daily reality of Cubans.

The lack of freedom and Rights to have Rights has been a crucial source. This last one, as many others could be, is the most sadly hurt and outraged compared to all other known situations. When they lacerate the soul of freedom, they murder the ontological being itself.

Consequently, in the face of all these realities, social discontent has manifested itself through peaceful protests such as the memorable ones of July 11, 2021. And those that still occur today throughout the country legitimately demanding freedom and improvements in living conditions worthy. The daily life of Cubans is a constant fight against the shortage of food, medicine and other basic goods. Disillusioned, alienated youth flee in a stampede, often dragging with them the root anthropological evil to the countries where they have been allowed to start a new life. These waves of emigration are another form of protest against the dictatorial system that offers no future, but death and devastation in every sense of the word. Many others with courage and decorum have led the fight for real change. The government repression is brutal, with arbitrary arrests, forced disappearances, strict control of information, in addition to violence to suffocate the different actors of the peaceful opposition and members of independent civil society, as has been the case of Dagoberto Valdés Hernández and Yoandy Izquierdo, constantly repressed by State Security agencies. However, the bravery and courage of the peaceful opposition is an example of resistance to the demonic and sinister forces of socialist communism on the Island.

The Cuban diaspora has always been in action playing a fundamental role in supporting the peaceful struggle for full freedom in Cuba. Courageous men and women who over the years continue to demonstrate by virtue of their proven life the unbreakable will to achieve freedom and dignity for a Cuba full of rights and democracy.

The international community must support the struggle of the children of a broken and bleeding mother, recognizing that the end of the regime is not only desirable by the majority of Cubans, but that it is time to put an end to a long and tortuous path. Freedom is already on the horizon, and within it the promise of living in democracy. The agonizing death of the regime is only the prelude to an inevitable rebirth in a society that longs to live in full Human Rights. Mother of Charity of Copper; Patroness of your long-suffering children of Prison Island, intercede for us before Jesus Christ and give us the Hope of seeing ourselves freed from the power of darkness. Cuba deserves it now, not tomorrow, because your children are dying, bleeding from lack of full freedom that will allow a future full of opportunities.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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