The Argentine Government began the final stretch of the process of printing the $2,000 bills and announced that they would enter circulation next June. The new paper money will become the one with the largest circulating denomination, although the possibility of launching another one for $5,000 is already being studied.

At its launch, the new banknote will have a commemorative image with the façade of the Malbrán Institutebut around the end of the year there will be a new batch in which the honorees will be Cecilia Grierson already Ramon Carrillo.

Grierson is considered the first Argentine doctor and Carrillo was Minister of Health of the Nation and a benchmark of Argentine sanitaryism. The banknote with their faces will come out in September and will be imported from Brazil, China and Spain, whose Mints were commissioned to print until April 2024.

The design already existed and the Government decided to use it to limit the time it took for the new paper money to go into circulation. As reported, the realization of a new sketch could have extended this process for up to eight more months.

The permanence of the $1,000 bill as the paper with the highest value in pesos -equivalent to less than 2.40 dollars at the price of the blue dollar- implied, according to experts, great setbacks and costs for banks and companies that handle large amounts of money cash.

According to official data, there are currently almost 7,900 million banknotes in circulation, slightly less than the 8,000 million that were at the beginning of the year. The fall in the first three months of the year is explained by the withdrawal of some 150 million $100 bills from the circulation.


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