Over the past few years, esports have grown in popularity around the world. This area has become extremely popular, has opened up to new games, new audiences to such that its stakes are now cultural, societal and even financial. France has understood this well and intends to continue to develop its influence in the world of esports.

Better structure esport to better develop it

In June 2022, the announcement by the President of the Republic formalizing the holding of the “Blast Major” in May 2023 and the “Trackmania games” for 2024 caused many people to react, more or less linked to the world of esports. Whatever one thinks of Emmanuel Macron’s role vis-à-vis this sector, the promotion of esports by the State is still a great step forward legitimizing the place of this discipline in the cultural landscape. and French sportsman.

It is through a new “article” published on the website of the Agence Française pour le Jeu Vidéo that the Government has detailed the conclusions drawn over the past three weeks by Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, Minister of Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Jean-Noël Barrot, Minister Delegate in charge of of the Digital Transition and Telecommunications, Rima Abdul Malak, Minister of Culture and about thirty various actors: representative organizations of esports including France Esports, sports teams, event organizers, syndicate of leisure software publishers, private partners, media, sports movement, Paris 2024 organizing committee, local authorities and State services.

This work of reflection organized since September 2022 has made it possible to determine various levers. First of all, it is necessary to structure esports in France by supporting amateur practice, specialized associations or even by allowing France to host ever more international esports events.

The government also wishes to found a national structure to pilot and implement the national esport strategy at all levels (operational, structural, notoriety, professional esport, etc.). Thus, the discipline would gain legitimacy with French public and private actors.

Finally, in the dynamics of the 2024 Olympics, the State wants to build the Olympic Esports Week in France for the end of 2024 and it is an experienced bid committee that will develop and present a concrete project by spring 2023. C t is Matthieu Péché, manager of the Vitality team on the Counter-Strike game, and bronze medalist in Rio in 2016, who will coordinate this committee. Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, Minister of Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games, said in particular:

In accordance with the orientation given by the President of the Republic, this morning’s workshop will accelerate, in the very next few months, the structuring of the sector as well as the development of the practice in the territories. And in the wake of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, we will try to host Olympic Esports Week at the end of 2024 with the desire to further strengthen the bridges between sport and esport”.

The promotion of esports and its influence in France and abroad are real current issues at the cultural and sporting level. France is certainly an innovative nation full of talent in this field, the latest events organized have shown this and the fact that France is committed to hosting some of the biggest competitions in the world soon will only make things better.


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