The House of Bernarda Alba returns to Miami

MIAMI.- Federico Garca Lorca’s masterpiece, based on real events, Bernarda Alba’s house returns to Miami, in the hands of the Sociedad Actoral Hispanoamericana company, directed by Miguel Sahid, at the Miami Dade County Auditorium, from March 28 to 30.

It was the 1930s in rural Spain, at a time when machismo limited the lives of women, when Federico García Lorca wrote the play.

However, the piece, which has been performed in several languages ​​and artistic manifestations in many countries, remains valid due to the exciting strength of the characters who project a dominant mother, economic interest, false appearances and forbidden love.

Bernarda knew the world in which she lived and did not hesitate to use all her energy to curb the sexual instinct impulses of her daughters in a society that demanded confinement. A woman aware of the harshness of social norms and the dogmatic judgment of her neighbors.

Bernarda Alba’s house It could be told from Bernarda’s position as the story of a woman who wanted the best for her daughters. A pragmatic, realistic mother who knew the world in which she lived and who did not hesitate to use all her energy to curb the anarchic impulses of the sexual instinct.

In this theatrical production, director Sahid remains faithful to the original text, but incorporates, to set the scene, components of flamenco music and dance.

The staging is performed by Roxana Montenegro, Ariadna Gonzlez, Yani Marti, Gabriela Gonzlez, Rosa Vasconcelos, Noris Joffre and Alba Raquel Barros in the role of Bernarda Alba.

Highlights include the special participation of Salvador de Angela on singing, José Luis de la Paz on guitar and Elich García on the cajón, as well as the dancer Pedro Medrano, from Spain, who will interpret the character of Pepe el Romano.

The House of Bernarda Alba, in el Miami Dade County Auditorium, 2901 West Flagler Street. Miami.

To get tickets, click here on the portal an Internet.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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