The insult dishonors the one who inflicts it

SAINT JOSEPH. The former president of Costa Rica Laura Chinchilla responded to the attacks against him by the current president of the Republic, Rodrigo Chaveswho called her a “hypocritical” and “mean” person.

During a press conference, Chaves called Chinchilla “hypocritical” and “petty” for supporting the Comptroller General of the Republic, Marta Acosta. He argued that Chinchilla criticized her, but then changed her mind when Acosta supported her for the presidency of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

In response to these statements by President Chaves, Chinchilla writes on his account on the social network And the higher the podium from which he utters them, the more his stature becomes smaller.”

The former president also remembers that, during her government, Costa Rica ranked first in the region in terms of press freedom.

Tension between Chinchilla and Chaves

Chaves’ attacks on Chinchilla are part of an escalation of tension between the two politicians. In recent months, the former president has been one of the most critical voices of Chaves’ management, especially for his handling of the fiscal crisis and her attacks on the press.

The former Costa Rican president criticizes the increase in the Value Added Tax (VAT) from 13% to 15%, arguing that this measure affects the most vulnerable sectors of the population and hinders economic recovery.

The former president also rejects Chaves’ attacks on the press, who describes the journalists of “political hitmen” and insinuates that they are part of a conspiracy against him.

The debate on freedom of expression and democracy in Costa Rica intensifies, the Chaves government is accused of limiting press freedom and attacking democracy.

The tension between both politicians has its history in the 2022 electoral campaign. At that time, he was the candidate of the Social Democratic Progress Party (PPSD), while Chinchilla one of the most visible figures of the opposition.

Chinchilla accused Chaves of being a dangerous populist and having proposals economic unrealistic. However, he won the election with a narrow margin of votes. Since he came to power he has maintained a conflictive relationship with the opposition.

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Source: Account of the social network X, formerly Twitter, of former president Laura Chinchilla,, La Tejacr

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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