The most handsome man in Italy leaves fashion to be a priest

Edoardo Santini came to the fore when considered the most handsome man in Italy just 17 years old after winning a national competition organized by the fashion group ABE. An achievement that made her a big star thanks to her participation on catwalks. Four years later, His splendid path has taken an exit that very few expected and that has no relationship with the world in which he became known.

On the occasion of his 21st birthday, The young man has announced that he will leave fashion aside to begin theology studies with the aim of becoming a priest. My question about the priesthood. I felt that I had to investigate it for a long time, last year I took a first step, but I had told few people the real reason for my move: I needed some time that was exclusively for me. “This year, at the dawn of my 21st birthday, I feel ready to share this research,” he wrote.

A period of reflection that has lasted more than a year due to the fear that others would judge him for this drastic decision. I’m here to find out. I took that step that terrified me, that prevented me from being completely myself, ready in case I said: No, I was wrong. What I am sure is that I will not regret this trip. (…) I had built more walls for myself than really existed. There are those who talk behind my back, even in my own family, but there are also those who support me, believers and non-believers.

Santini has also changed scene on this spiritual path after leaving Castelfiorentino, his hometown, in the city of Florencewhere he focuses his efforts on theological studies to strengthen his vocation and serves in two parishes of the Florentine diocese.

Daddy Yankee, a very similar case

Daddy Yankee seems to have followed in the footsteps of Edoardo Santini. The most popular reggaeton artist in history announced that he hangs up the microphone to dedicate his life to delivering God’s message. He was able to tour the world for years, win many awards, applause and praise, but I realized something that the Bible says: What is it worth to a man to gain the whole world if he loses his soul. A story is over and a new story is going to begin. A new beginning. All the tools that I have in my possession, such as music, social networks, platforms, a microphone, everything that Jesus gave me, is now left for the Kingdomhe assured.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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