The most legendary Chinese restaurant closes: El Buen Gusto, known as the Chinese law because Juan Carlos I was there

In an emotional finale, the Chinese restaurant Good tastelocated in the heart of Arganzuelacloses its doors after 27 years offering authentic Wenzhou food. Founded by Wu Zhenzhong and his family, this establishment not only won the loyalty of Chinese neighbors and families, but also attracted personalities such as the King Emeritus Juan Carlos Iwho visited the place in 2005 and affectionately nicknamed it the chinese law. This visit turned the restaurant into a gastronomic reference point in Madrid.

Buen Gusto has been recognized not only for its exquisite Wenzhou food, with iconic dishes such as salt and pepper lobster, but also for its innovation in introducing first robot waiter in the capitalaffectionately nicknamed by customers as Big Carmen. This technological initiative was not only a milestone for the restaurant, but also a recurring topic in the media, which came regularly to document the uniqueness of the gastronomic experience.

Despite its success and popularity, Buen Gusto now faces its sad farewell. A sign recently posted at the entrance announced to customers the sale of the building where he has operated for so many years, which will be transformed into a tourist apartments. This news has shocked the community, leaving many of its loyal customers with a feeling of nostalgia.

However, the family that owns it plans to relocate the restaurant to Majadahondaso this new beginning represents an opportunity to reinvent itself and continue offering customers the unique experience that has characterized them during month of decades in Madrid.

Controversial closure

During the farewell, National Police agents appeared in response to complaints from lawyers representing restaurant workers. According to the accusations, one of the cooks would have worked for years under unfair working conditionsreceiving insufficient wages and facing long working hours.

This man has worked as a cook for 15 years, earning 500 euros a month for working 12 hours a day, have assured the lawyers, who have also reported that their client has not been able to go to court with them because the owner of the business demanded that he must finish his work shift. In addition, the lawyers appreciate that the restaurant owes its client ms of 90,000 euros

The affected worker, who preferred to remain anonymous for fear of future repercussions in his search for employment, finally decided to report the imminent closure of the restaurant. I no longer have anything to losehe stated.

Meanwhile, the restaurant owners are struggling to liquidate all furniture and equipment. Everything is for sale in an effort to close this chapter in a way dignified and orderly.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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