For the first time, four Santa Fe cities will participate in The Night of Ideas, a global event promoted by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs of France and l’Institut français de Paris. This is the seventh edition in our country and the second with a federal perspective, in which different cities in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Córdoba and Mendoza also participate.

It will be the seventh edition in the country and the second with a federal perspective, with the participation of different cities in the provinces of Santa Fe, Buenos Aires, Córdoba and Mendoza. Under the motto “+:?” (“More for what?”) the Night of Ideas proposes enable a dialogic, collective and constructive reflection on existing models of production and accumulation. To this end, conferences by high-level international exhibitors are offered, as well as cultural, artistic, and gastronomic interventions contextualized in the identity of each of the locations.

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The proposal in the Province of Santa Fe will focus on the transformations of the collective from a social and urban approach, with special attention to connectivity, environmental impact, sustainable design and spatial segregation. Reflections will also be encouraged on gender, rights and liberation: after the “green tide” that led to the Argentine abortion law and the rise of feminisms in the social debate as a result of the historic Ni una menos movement in Argentina, the objective it is to analyze the achievements, the path to follow and how to achieve a fair and inclusive emancipation.

Among other personalities, Jules Falquet (women, race and class in social movements), José Manuel Gonçalves (artistic director of CENTQUATRE Paris), Isabelle Solas (documentary film, trans identities), and Nathalie Goldwasser Yankélevich (philosophy politics, fashion theory). They will accompany local intellectual speakers such as Gisela Cadirola (philosopher), Luciano Fabbri (gender and masculinities), Norma Gonzalez (sustainable design), Marilé Di Filippo (cultural management), Héctor “Nene” Molina (cinema), Emilien Buffard (photography) .

The proposals include the presentation of the Provincial Symphony Orchestra in the city of Rafaela and performances such as La Fanfare Ambulante in the House of the Governors of Santa Fe and the live intervention of Grupo Los Sueños in Shed 15, which are added to the Rock Museum in the Mercado de Frutos Culturales. The exhibition/performance “Confluencias” will take place at the Alianza Francesa in Rosario by Daniel García (visual artist), Noëlle Lieber (draftsman and ceramist), Natalia Perez (baliarina).

The Minister of Culture, Jorge Llonch, said: “The proposal invites us to reflect on our modes of interaction in today’s society, articulating these debates with cultural interventions by artists from Santa Fe, with the particularities of each locality. We join this international and federal cooperation, we share this open invitation to think, from the questions. We will be hosts in 4 different cities where we activate to dialogue with references from the world, the country and all of Santa Fe. Come share samples, performance, music, with Argentine, Santa Fe, French cultural managers and managers, film screenings, let’s find more. ”

All activities will be free and free. The complete program can be consulted at:

In the Province of Santa Fe, the activity is organized by the Ministries of Culture; of Gender, Equality and Diversities; Government, Justice and Human Rights; and the Secretariat for International Cooperation in collaboration with the Alliance Française of Rosario, the Municipalities and the network of Alliances Françaises of the province, among other institutions.

“The province of Santa Fe articulates an active agenda with the French Embassy and institutions such as the Institut Francais and the French Development Agency on issues that include French language teaching, educational and scientific-technological exchanges, articulation between agrotechnical schools, cooperation decentralized, among others. This agenda is based on shared ties in the community and culture. With these alliances, the Province of Santa Fe not only grows and projects itself to the world, but is also committed to defending common goods and values ​​with the Republic of France, such as gender equality, children’s rights and biodiversity. ”, expressed Julieta de San Félix, Secretary of International Cooperation of the Province.


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