You are currently viewing The other point of view that reveals Shakira’s complete dance with knives at the MTV VMAs

The impact of his stellar appearance at the MTV VMAs gala is still latent. Enjoying the Colombian’s performance for 10 minutes has awakened the memory, if anyone had forgotten, that Shakira was a legend long before her latest works fell like a meteorite to earth to supply us, again, the best music.

His journey through some of his greatest successes, although it was impossible to make a fair representation of his career, left many memorable moments and images, among them, the dance with knives that preceded one of the hits of his career: Whenever, Wherevera song that accompanies other great songs like She Wolf, Te Felicito, TQG, Hips Don’t Lie, Objection (Tango)and the session 53 with the Argentine producer Bizarrap, who culminated the show from above.

Shakira dances the dagger dance at the MTV VMAs in September 2023.

But the mystery of the meaning of this dance of the daggers, as the choreography is also known, left a mark on the performancewhich starred the interpreter of No. Anyone who follows the artist knows that she does not stitch without a thread and that including the knives in the number was not a random thing. We have seen Shakira dancing Arabic dance many times, it is a sign of her artistic personality, but never like that of her.

The audiovisual production of the moment went viral instantly:

The other video that reveals Shakira’s complete dance with knives

This Thursday it was known another point of view of the moment of the performance, from the perspective of one of the attendees. From the public, this shot reveals in great detail every movement of the Colombian and shows What movements did the singer make when she did not show the daggers to the public.

The meaning of knife dancing

Since the beginning of her career, the Colombian is characterized by including belly dance movements in her shows. This Arabic dance, known as the dance of the daggers or Raqs Al Sayf, It is of oriental origin, and refers to the Goddess Neit, an ancient goddess of war and hunting, later creator of gods and men, goddess of wisdom and inventor in Egyptian mythology. Her warrior energy is a symbol of destruction of enemies and opening of roads.

Additionally, the dance pays clear homage to her Lebanese roots on the part of her father, William Mebarak Chadid. He dance was the singer’s first great artistic love, in which he started when he was only five years old. His approach to music was first because of Arabic dance and, later, when he was eight, he began to write his first songs.

At 46 years old, Shakira became a Latin reference around the world years ago. The global force and influence that his art represents has led the globalization of Latin music..

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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