This week the government of the province, awarded the work of the Tostado-Villa Minetti Aqueduct, by decree No. 663/23. The works will be carried out by the Temporary Union of Companies Werk Constructora SRL-Del Sol Constructora SA UT Acueducto Tostado, for the sum of $5,177.5 million.

It will allow the supply of drinking water to more than 15,000 inhabitants of the towns of Pozo Borrado, San Bernardo and Villa Minetti, through new pipelines to be placed. While the water will reach the towns of Gregoria Pérez de Denis and Santa Margarita through the trunk aqueduct, once executed in the previous stage.

In this regard, the Secretary of Companies and Public Services, Carlos Maina, stressed that “Governor Omar Perotti knows very well the enormous potential that our northern province has, and also the lack of infrastructure. And from now on, the provincial government is going to solve the water problem in the 9 de Julio department.”


The works were projected in four sections: the first, covers the execution of the Adduction Canal and the intake work, the installation of the Clarification modules, the civil works to be carried out on the Clarification Plant premises, the construction of the station Station No. 1 and the trunk section of pipes from pumping station No. 1 to the Entrance Chamber to the cistern of Pumping Station No. 2, Antonio Pini.

The second section includes all the works to be carried out for Pumping Station No. 2, the trunk section of pipes from said station to the entrance chamber to the cistern of Pumping Station No. 3 in Pozo Borrado and for its supply branch.

The third section contemplates the civil works to be carried out for Pumping Station No. 3, the main section of pipe from said station to the entrance chamber to the cistern of Pumping Station No. 4 in Fortín Atahualpa. While the fourth section includes all the works to be carried out for Pumping Station No. 4, in Fortín Atahualpa, up to the Villa Minetti cistern, for the supply branch to San Bernardo and for the connection with the main aqueduct with the existing infrastructure. (cisterns and pumping station) at Pumping Station No. 5 Villa Minetti.


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