The reason why Buitoni suspends the production of its empanadilla wafers: black market and alternatives

Since a few weeks There is no trace of the traditional Buitoni brand dumpling wafers. They have disappeared from the supermarket shelves and there is no way to get a package online either. Product not available or Out of stock These are some of the messages that consumers encounter when trying to search for this famous dough, but, From whom does he owe himself this following?

The lack of existence of this product has caused the alert on social networks of a multitude of consumers. Such was the social impact that this news had that Nestleowner of the empanadillas brand, was forced to release a statement on April 29explaining the sudden absence of its popular product.

We regret to inform that currently We are experiencing a lack of flour supply that meets our technical specifications. to guarantee the qualities of our products, the brand assured. This shortage of flour has led the company to suspend its manufacture and sale for at least three months. However, this has not been the only product affected, but the Minipizzas Buitoni They have also seen their production ceased for a month.

Door to the second-hand market

To desperate situations, desperate measures. Recently, many wafer lovers have asked on social networks about the absence of this particular mass, creating greater demand in the face of so little supply, if not null. In recent days an advertisement has gone viral in Wallapop where this product is offered at a surprising price.

This is a package of Buitoni brand dumpling wafers at a cost of 60. Traditional empanadilla dough, Expired less than 30 days ago, hence its unbeatable priceexplains the seller in his ad.


Screenshot of a Buitoni wafer ad on Wallapop.

The sudden absence of this product in supermarkets has opened the door to a black market where the lucky ones who acquired one of these packages before the cessation of manufacturing can take advantage of the opportunity to resell them at a higher price. Although there is currently not much second-hand supply, the appearance of other advertisements selling these cannot be ruled out. priced wafers.

Rise of other companies

Nevertheless, It’s not all bad news. The temporary disappearance of the Buitoni brand allows other companies dedicated to the dumplings sector, take the leap and fill this vacancy looking ahead to the coming months. This has been the case of At Neapolitana Korean company that in recent weeks has tripled its production for the table.

According to La Opinin A Coruathis brand has managed to captivate a new public thirsty for this food, thus expanding its domain and increasing your market share. I don’t know what happened to them (to Nestl), if it is due to this lack of supply or if there will be another reason. What I do know is that it was great for us.says manager Javier Garca in statements reported by this newspaper.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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