The reason why Concha Velasco will be buried in Valladolid

Concha Velasco He died this Saturday at 84 years old, at the Puerta de Hierro Hospital in Majadahonda (Madrid). There he was with his sons, Manuel and Paco Martínez, who have accompanied him in the last moments of his life, giving a hand to each one, as Manuel explained.

Right now the burning chapel is taking place, installed in the La Latina theater, where he has asserted his art. A very special place where different family members, friends and other celebrities have attended, such as politicians, including figures such as Pedro Sánchez and Isabel Díaz Ayuso, among others.

Afterwards, The body of the actress will be transferred to Valladolid. Her funeral will be held in the city of Valladolid, specifically in the Cathedral of Valladolid, at 12:00 p.m., as reported by municipal sources. Afterwards, she will be buried in the Pantheon of Illustrious Characters in the El Carmen Cemetery, in your natal city.

The artist I was born on Recondo Street, in Valladolid, but when he was only four years old he moved to Morocco, where his father, a military man by profession, was assigned. And, with all this, he quickly settled in Madrid, where he has lived almost his entire life, and where he has developed practically his entire professional life.

However, Concha Velasco has always felt her Valladolid land very closely, she has always boasted about itand therefore his mortal remains will now rest in his city.

On the other hand, Conrado Oscar, the president of the Valladolid Provincial Council, has confirmed that the institution will organize a tribute in honor of the Valladolid actress, reaching install a statue in his memory at the Zorrilla Theaterthe house of culture of all the towns of Valladolid.

The scuffle between Scar Puente and Almeida

Concha Velasco developed her career in Madrid, and that has led politicians like José Luis Martínez Almeida to say goodbye, referring to his condition in Madrid: Madrid, Valladolid. Madrid pay tribute to Concha Velasco, the mayor of Madrid wrote in a tweet.

Some words to which the mayor of Valladolid responded later, Scar Bridge: So Madrid that his funeral will be held in the Cathedral of Valladolid and he will have his eternal rest in the Pantheon of Illustrious Vallisoletanos from the Carmen cemetery in Valladolid.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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