Khun Anan, the Thai lawyer who during the first weeks handled the ‘Sancho case’ after the young man confessed to the murder and dismemberment of Edwin Arrieta, speaks again. He does so in the magazine ‘Semana’ where he gives an exclusive interview just a few days after Rodolfo Sancho decided to dispense with his services. The actor prefers that the defense of his son in the Asian country be led by a specialist “who has faced this type of crimes before.” However, the defendant continues without a new lawyer.

The Thai does not hide his disappointment after being removed from one of the most high-profile cases in his country and shows in ‘Semana’ his concern about the unpromising future that could await Daniel Sancho after the trial. “My only concern now is that Daniel ends up in the hands of someone whose strategy could lead to capital punishment. But I can’t help those who don’t want to listen to me,” he says. “In this case, which is so clear to the judge, getting rid of the death penalty would already be a great triumph,” he adds.

Khun Anan insists that it is very difficult for judges to believe the testimony of the son of Rodolfo Sancho and Silvia Bronchalo since there is much evidence that makes it clear that the accused would have acted with premeditation. “If they do not change their legal strategy, he will be sentenced to the death penalty no matter what,” he expresses bluntly. “The Spanish lawyer did not respect the procedure and publicly criticized my work, trying to damage my reputation. “He made a pitiful and embarrassing spectacle at the entrance to the prison,” he says regarding the figure of Marcos García Montes.

Daniel Sancho Bronchalo, detained in Thailand.


Daniel Sancho Bronchalo, detained in Thailand. STRINGERREUTERS

Much interest in the ‘Sancho case’

Since the termination of Khun Anan’s services to the Sancho family was made public, many Thai lawyers have been interested in taking charge of the case. “The family received many calls and messages,” says the former defender of Rodolfo’s son. Likewise, he makes it clear that it was he who decided to resign given the strong media pressure that he was receiving from Spain.

New statement from Edwin Arrieta’s environment

The victim’s friends issue a new statement via social networks where they give some clues about the legal strategy that the Colombian’s lawyer is going to carry out. “Today we say goodbye with our hearts turned into a thousand pieces, but respecting what his family requested. Your administrative lawyer and spokesperson in Madrid They have requested not to receive people, not to give information, not to harm the process and only carry it in privacy, a situation that we respect,” they report.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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